
Do they really care?

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I haven't told my parents yet but I want to get snakebites. That's not my question though. My question is, let's say, 6 months have passed and now I am able to take them out for a long period of time, exactly how long? Also, if you have a job and they say no piercing, but if they see the piercing hole, will they care?




  1. I think yea, well they are your parents...

  2. Yes they will care... and so will you when you are 45 and have scar holes on your lip.  Don't get something so unattractive, please.  If want to be different at least consider multiple ear piercings.

  3. Here's the thing, these piercings are going to be a scar, and they will show- more and more as you get older and your skin gets saggy (fun huh?) so if you are already seeing that this could affect your job prospects, please please reconsider! YES, they'll care! They don't want their customers freaked out by the weird holes in your face!

  4. Two quick answers:

    Long period of time is relative to your body and it's healing/recovery mechanism. (yes, your body is still trying to recover from the pierce years after it happens, that is why the holes close up)  I would say on average you can leave them out for a week.

    Second answer, yes, job will care.  It doesn't matter how great a potential employee you are, you still do not meet standards.  You may get hired, but you will be looked upon with distain while at the company.  Finding a good job is not the time to express your individuality.  And Utopian ideals are thrown out the reality window when it comes to public image.  One may say that the workplace cannot change the way they express themselves, and that is correct.  But the workplace can definitely keep an eye on you and get overwhelming evidence that you are not doing your job.

    Sounds like first hand knowledge?  Yes, it is.  I was instrumental in getting the son of someone (who WAS a close friend) fired.  Expressing your individuality is OK, just do it own your own time and in a way that will not bring any negative attention to your potential employer.

    I have gone somewhat tangential on this.  But I hope you understand, it would be a wonderful world if you could be judged only by your talents and  thoughts and not the snakebite.

  5. you can have them out for about 1-2 months

    and no i dont think they will care if you have piercing holes

  6. What are snakebites?

  7. What is that?

  8. my sisters at a job with a nose ring and shes not supposed to have piercing she just takes it out because the hole is so small you wouldn't notice unless you look real close and there not going to stair you done for piercings
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