
Do they speak english in France?

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  1. Most French people dislike having to speak English to tourists because they think they are the centre of the universe and everyone should speak French.

    Many are able to speak English though, mostly in the cities.

  2. Do they speak english in America?

  3. In my experience they will speak or attempt to speak englisch after some serious effort to speak french on my side. Which after the basics for food and lodging pretty much fizzles.

    Don't know if it is nationalism or more comfortable having made an *** of myself speaking french that they figure their english is far better than my french. But just knowing some basic french helps even with the help of a book.

    Drink some wine with hte locals and buy a few bottles wil help immensely too. Your french improves and so does their englisch

  4. of course they do

  5. A lot of people in the business world tend to speak English. Plus its mandatory to learn English and one other language. I have family there, and my neice is getting taught english and she is also learning Spanish I believe.  My oldest neice speaks english, my second oldest neice, my nephew speaks it, and so do all my cousins.  I know my uncles know aa few words here and there, but for the most part, NOT fluently.  I work for Orange, a French Telecom company, and everyone they hire must know english fluently since they deal with a good portion of the US and also deal with other countries, so english tends to be the common language between all the countries.  Im sure a lot of the older people don't speak english though.  But todays generation do know how to speak some.  But, when in France, or any other country, DONT expect others to speak English.  You are in THEIR country and you should at least try to speak THEIR language.  Show that you have respect for their culture and language and don't expect everyone know English, b/c they ALL DONT!


  7. do we hear/read spanish in america?

  8. Yes they do

  9. Yes they do speek English in France, but English over there is not an official language it is a business language.To be more specific English is not spoken fluently  like on the streets.

  10. well, i would say that you have every kind of people everywhere... and in France you will find people who speak fluently English, others that speak a little, and some, who don't.

    You can't say: French do or don't.... it is cliché!... you have a little bit of everything everywhere to make a great and very original world!

  11. yes in most places been there

  12. do they speak english in hawaii

  13. Yes they do but it's helpful if you speak some French too- it's more respectful.

  14. Yes, some do.

  15. Yes, but  many are reluctant to speak it because they don't think they speak very well.

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