
Do things exist beyond our senses?

by Guest34356  |  earlier

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We can perceive some things (such as a bird) with each of our five senses. Other things (such as light) we can perceive with only some of our senses. And still other things (e.g., bacteria) we can perceive only by extending our senses (microscope). Do things exist that we are unable to perceive with our senses or any extension of our senses? What would be the nature of such things?




  1. No one knows for sure, but deductive reasoning says, "yes."  There was a time no one believed in bacteria, etc. because we couldn't see it.

    Furthermore, scientists know about atoms, electrons and neutrons not because we see them, but because we are able to percieve evidence that reflect their existence, although we have not seen these things.  Furthermore, when chemists diagram an atom, they guess the number and placement of the electrons, etc., on the shell of the atom without having ever seen them.

  2. of course.The animals can predict earthquake,and you can't.And imagine how much more of those "things" are beyond our senses.But human can feel them.You just have to learn how to use them.They are inside of us,waiting to be discovered.

  3. Never tasted a bird, but they probably taste like chicken.

    Clearly our senses are just the beginning of awareness of the universe.  We are not aware of light frequencies beyond the visual range, if you don't count a bad sun burn.  But we have our intelligence that can allow us to build devices that can see at any frequency.  We use microscopes and telescopes to see things much smaller and larger than we are.  

    But there is always the nagging doubt that we have perceived everything.  Dark matter and dark energy have been discovered recently.  So what else is there?  

    Well, what we do know is that whatever there is it is not something that we might have already imagined.  That is one of the interesting things about this universe, it keeps surprising us.

  4. There are tons of things that exist outside of our sense. Let's examine the narrow scope that our eyes receive information compared to the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Let's also consider noises audible to canines but not to us. Let's also consider the limitations of our existence in space-time. The difficult thing is that if there is a sense apart from these I couldn't begin to imagine what it might be. Perhaps a sense of duration.

  5. Well, I believe that you defined reality.  Because reality is what we have perceived through all of our senses.  So for something to exist beyond our senses then it is no longer reality.  I really can't explain it easily beyond this point, but you should get the idea.

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