
Do true friendship break up?

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Do true friendship break up?




  1. Yes

  2. never cuz if is true and genuine , u will never allow bad things 2 happen so it will never end !

  3. Sh*it Happens

  4. if they are true friends they mint not and if they are in a freight they say they are but they know they art.

  5. nope if it is atrue friendship it will always be

  6. all the time

  7. If it is a true friendship and you do nothing that would truly hurt the friendship that could be forgiven, then your friendship will last.  I do know you can make good friends and friends can grow apart.  I know that some friends we meet for reasons we do not know and they move on.  We will never forget them.  I hope to see them again someday.  They will will always be good memories.

    I have true friends who will stick by me no matter what.  I do things or think things they may not agree with, they still remain my friend and are always there for me.  I would never do anything to ever hurt them.

  8. it depends if you are biscuits

  9. yes...unfortunately they do.  usually over something petty.

  10. yes.friendship means from no to all. in that the time may occupied by may feelings ,it's a part of the game.and play of the life.

    in every BAT there will be a attached parts because when total is braked and jointed it will be more stronger than the original . am i right.

  11. True friendships dont tend to break up while they are still their strongest. But just because you are best/true friends with someone now doesnt mean you will be forever... things change...people change...things get misunderstood or misstrewn... people grow apart. So cherish you're best/true friend while you guys enjoy each others company.

  12. yes....all good things come to an end. demographics play a roll, a girlfriend or boyfriend can cause problems or they become a leach. Many factors happen and we make new friends but in the end we lose our friends.

  13. No. What is true can never be broken.

  14. Ever relation shud be from both be it love, friensdship or anything for that matter. if in friendship one refuses to adjust then it can break be it true friendship ............

    But dont loose a friend easily

  15. NO

  16. My friend and i were "best friends" for over 6 years. i got a boyfriend and that was the end of our friendship. her parent's didn't know my bf so they said she couldn't hang around me. so yeah, true friendships can break. just be sure to get new ones and continue on with life...

  17. It can. Most people are lucky to even have a TRUE friend. I had a friend that I would have considered a true friendship, and we kinda just grew apart. Our lives went seperate ways after high school.

  18. I had a question just like yours once. I had thought my

    friendship with a girl named Yaeji was flawless. But then she started ignoring me on the 1st week of school. I emailed her asking why she was ignoring me, and she completely denied it. I also have a very close friend who used to be friends with Yaeji. She told me how Yaeji was always talking about my bad qualities. Yaeji even made up fake people and convinced me that they were real! Overall, she lied to me, and was a terrible friend. So my answer to your question is that true friendships that break up are true depending on HOW you broke up and what went on during your friendship. My friendship wasn't true because my friend was talking about me behind my back, and she lied to me and my other friend all the time. And we broke up cause she was ignoring me cuz she wanted to be all popular. If you guys broke up just because you were drifting away from eachother or something, it probably was true, except if your friend was being mean or something during the friendship. You get the idea.

  19. From my experiences and upbringing up (Brooklyn, NY),  the answer is "NO".

    True friendship is a combination of Loyalty, Respect and Secrecy between you and the other person.  Willing to go the extra mile, so to speak, and looking out for one another are all a part of the true friendships.

    Human nature plays a part in this area as well.  During your earlier years, there are many people (kids) that are honing thier skills but starting off with not much in the values sector.  You will pick out the sneaks, tattle tailers, and trouble makers as well as the spiteful types, but there will come a common bond with one or two that seem to agree and offer help in fighting back those that hurt you, which later on in the progession of school life and play time will make a comfortable decision process of who to avoid and who not to invite to a sleep over or party.  Those left out either change or become introvert and spiteful.  But the ones that are there all the time, you get comfortable with and grow as you get older.  The close ones that share your thoughts and are always there in fun times as well as sorrow will mold friendships that continue on to adult life.

    During the growing up stages, we mature and find new friends associated with work and outside activities, but most are acquaintences that show respect. These new meetings will take a lot of time to evolve into additional friends who have to proove themselves and earn your respect to evolve into the close circle of friends.  During this period of experiencing new friends, some may get removed due to interests and bad experiences which is a way of life, but the originals that have been around your life are mostly still there.

    You will experience arguments and disagreements in every facet of your lives and no matter what period of freezing up and avoidence, you will always get back in time through apologies that make one understand what caused the problem and laugh a little and move on with your closeness.

    The term of break up you stated, well there are a lot of break ups.  For one, are you using an experience from a boy or girlfriend in dating or going steady? That is an easy one, for if this is the case, you grow with a person with intimacy, and sometimes your lifestyle and mannerisms may not be in the best for the partner, and if one does not speak out of what is not in favor to the other, sometimes one moves on to another seeking a more compatable partner but honing a true friendship should have been discussed and left with eticate and the understanding that you are not really meant for each other but can still talk and meet for a coffee or visit to watch a tv program while each is seeking a more favorable partner for future lifestyles.

    Basically, my friends that are true friends, no matter what happends to anyones life are still friends to the end (barring a shooting of my relatives -lol)

    I could go on and on with this subject, but I am getting finger cramps-Lol, any further input would require more definitive information from you, but hope this helps the situation.

  20. Unfortunately yes

  21. yes the only thing thats constant is change

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