
Do turkey's celebrate Christmas?

by Guest60819  |  earlier

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Do turkey's celebrate Christmas?




  1. Don't be silly.  Turkey's are Hindu.

    Though turkeys here in the U.S. get most of the "federal" holidays off.

  2. Of course they do. Just like sheep and chickens and cows and pigs etc etc!

  3. If a turkey makes it past Thanksgiving and is still alive, it celebrates Christmas and the fact they are still around is the best present ever.

  4. the dead or the living?

  5. What I know about turks are: they are muslems.... Try to observe filipino muslims then your question is answered.

  6. Yes, many turkeys send me christmas cards

  7. They eat people.

  8. If they made it past Thanksgiving then, we will eat them for Christmas

  9. But of course turkeys celebrate Xmas, they go out and get eaten, haven't you heard the turkeys at Christmas time, they all go around saying gobble, gobble, gobble that means, in turkey lingo, come and eat me baby. Sorry, just couldn't resist. take care and good luck, oh, and merry Christmas.

  10. Turkey is an Arab country where Islam is the known religion. For a Muslim, Jesus is just a prophet sent by God and not a Messiah as Christians believed. This is the reason why they don't celebrate Christmas. Maybe some celebrate in Turkey because they were converted to Christianity.

  11. how stupid Christmas is a celebration of the birth of a man who we believe to be our god and the so called saviour of man kind it is a story a group of men wrote years ago to fool the people of their lands a turkey cannot read you fool and is not so stupid to fall for one of them tricks Dave

  12. Well, I shan't be ordering one - so at least "my" turkey stands a modest chance of seeing Christmas. Always assuming of course that someone else doesn't buy him!

    Perhaps turkeys ought to eat humans for Christmas? I am sure we can all think of at least one tasty meal for them!

  13. Of course they do!

    If they live past Thanksgiving, they make it to the table at Christmas!

  14. You betcha, 'cuz they made it through Thanksgiving!

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