
Do turtle doves ever sleep?

by  |  earlier

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I have no intention of harming either of them they have been coming in my garden for past two years and I just love watching their courting behaviour. The male dove could some men a thing or two...and she is just a tease.




  1. every living creature sleeps at some point

  2. Of course they sleep, you just may have more than one hiding out. If you don't want them to roost or stick around much, try limiting the food sources in your garden. Don't take it completely away at once, just slowly lower it until there's no food there. They normally don't stick around places much if there's no food or water for them. If you don't have bird feeders and aren't feeding them, try to find where they are staying most of the day. If there's a certain thing they roost on at night or stick around, try moving it. However if you find a nest, leave them be for a while and try again after the babies have left the nest. 'Just a few things I can think of that doesn't hurt the doves.

    Good luck!


  3. Yes

  4. Maybe they are constantly on RedBull. Every animal sleeps. You are just unfortunate to have some lovely doves cooing at an unfortunate time.

    Invest in some earplugs.

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