
Do u believe in FAITH?

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Do u believe in FAITH?




  1. well to a point yes, but i think i have an anxiety issue due to me not being able to establish much trust in people...

  2. Those wry quotes of Mark Twain's paint the wrong picture of faith. The biggest and best parts of life depend upon faith: You have faith your mother always will love you no matter what. Faith that tomorrow will be better than today. Faith that the dark times will not last. Faith that the love you put into the dinner you make will be appreciated by your beloved!

    Faith in a higher power isn't entirely blind either. There are many aspects to life that are so magnificent, which so take our breath away, that we must believe in the love of an Almighty surely has visited us. The genius of Mozart and Michelangelo and what their art has given to us can only be gifts to humanity from the Divine. Same for the breakthroughs in modern medicine, giving cures where before there was only the sentence of death.

    War, disease, famine, disaster, Stalin, Hitler... What does that do to faith? Does that say the Divine is fickle or cruel at best, or at worst doesn't exist? Only to those who are cynical and who believe that God must be our lapdog, a supernatural Ralph Nader who must come and prevent man's every attempt at destroying himself.

  3. Of course! There are many definitions of faith, but mine is my own. This is how I see mine:

    Without faith, I wouldn't be alive. It is belief, and trust in, and loyalty to God. He created me and my faith in Him, though I've never seen Him, is my acknowledgement that I love Him. It is also my gratefulness that He is my protector, provider and comforter.  

  4. I try to avoid it. It is a dangerous thing. Mark Twain described it as believing in stuff you know 'aint so!

  5. Every time we go to bed and plan tomorrow, get in the car and drive, eat, drink, start a relationship... faith is at play. Whether we credit faith or not is irrelevant because life is a lesson in faith and none is exempt.

  6. faith is something you have when you don't have the truth

  7. Not in religious or any other supernatural faith; however I have faith that the front wheel of my motorcycle isn't going to come off when I am doing 60mph. I have faith in many things and people.

  8. Faith only appears when one is empty, lonely, insecure and confused.  If you were happy in life why on earth would you need faith?

    And its not very intelligent to believe in faith, because its not real or of any substance.  As long as you continue to focus on faith rather than on fact then you will all ways be confused and disturbed.

  9. yes ofcourse. trust = faith.

  10. Depends what you mean by faith

  11. Faith is believing in someone or something to come up with the goods.

    You can have faith in an athlete to bring glory to your country.

    You can have faith in God to deliver you through the trials and tribulations of life.

    As someone has already said, faith=trust. If you are faithful (faith-full), you devote yourself to the person in whom you have put your trust (hence 'unfaithful' when this fails).

    When you trust an object or an auspicious date, or the way you move your furniture about, to deliver the goods for you, that's superstition.

  12. Faith as in religion or destiny?

    1.I believe in God

    2.We mould our own destinies.

  13. what kind of faith? in one in numerous gods/Deity' in in power..please specify

  14. Yes, as Mark Twain said 'Faith is believing what you know ain't so'.

    Lots of people do that.

    Of course I don't myself.

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