
Do u believe in divorce?

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Do u believe in divorce?




  1. Only in the case of abuse or infidelity.  Otherwise marriage is forever.  Its not a Dixie cup you throw away when you are finished with it.

  2. I use to feel that divorce was the cowards way out. Now, here me out. My mother (whom I haven't spoke to in 4 years) is on her 9th marriage. That's right, 9. So, the impression that I got, when I was growing up, was that men were disposable. Therefore, because I didn't ever want to be like her, I have only been with 2 men. A long term boyfriend in H.S. and my husband. We've been married almost 16 years.

    Now, however, I feel that divorce is necessary in the case of infidelity and abuse. Both of which my husband has done. Therefore, unless a miracle happens we won't be making it to 17 years.

  3. Divorce should not be legal. Marriage is a lifetime contract with God and the government. If divorce were not an option, people would be much more careful when choosing their spouses.

  4. As a last resort, yes. Some couples don't belong together even if children are involved.  

  5. divorce, and marriage alike are just legal contracts, but if you no longer love someone then staying with them is unhealthy for you, and for them.  

  6. I don't think you should stay with someone just because you are married. If things go wrong, you try to work it out. But if things get too ugly, then yes, divorce is fine.

  7. um  yes, why stay in a relationship when youre not happy or  not being treated fairly

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