
Do u like my poem??????????

by  |  earlier

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here it is! i worked soo hard on it so u better like it!!

tv may be the best for me

but i know makeup is soo much better

doing hair and getting dressed in clothes

is the best thing that hapened to me

i dont ahve good grades but that doesnt matter

since everyeye is on me.........




  1. Thats a poem?

  2. it's okay if you like narcissism, bimboism, misspellingism and confusionism.  grade "D-"  I would have given you an "F" but the 10 ?'s in a row on the question intrigued me.

  3. That is like so deep

  4. Unfortunately I don't like it at all. Sorry..

  5. For me it's not a poem, only words expressing your thoughts.

  6. This had better be a joke.

  7. Panini,

    YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS? I have read better entries from you and now you trot  out this materialistic Paris-Hilton-oh-that's-hot-c**p on us? Wow, I saw your name and I usually read something from names I commonly see on this post... OMGWTH??? Quit staying up til 4 in the morning!!   Grade  D+

  8. Is Ok. I don't know if this is a poem but, I think is funny,

    Keep going

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