
Do u think I'm physic?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 14 year old guy and sometimes in my head ill be like i think this will happen and it does. my uncle died 2 weeks ago, he slipped at a dock and drowned, and a couple nights before i got this feeling in my head that somebody on my dads side of the family (my uncle was my dads brother) was gonna get in an accident. and then in one of my video games I'm like hes gonna hit the ball right there and the guy did hit it there. and i think there has been more things but i forget about them. so do u think I'm physic?




  1. if you have a beard... you're physic!

  2. You could be physic. But you sound like you could be PSYCHIC!!! =O

  3. You aren't physic anyway... that's a branch of science, you may mean psychic....

  4. you mean psychic?

    ha ha, maybe.

    or maybe you have really good intuition =]

  5. No

  6. yea i have had this happen to me sometimes, its kinda freaky. idk if its being physic but its really weird

  7. Who knows, but it does sound like you listen to your intuition!

  8. I believe there is definitely something there. In the 2000 I had a terrible dream/nightmare and I woke and felt like something terrible had happened to someone in my family.I tried to remember what I had just dreamed about but I couldn't remember. All I know it was the worse feeling in the world. I immediately got up and wrote it down in a journal I was keeping. Five years later my daddy died of a heart attack at home on Jan. 27th 2005. At the end of 2005 I decided to move and I was going through old boxes and came across the journal. It absolutely blew me back what I saw. The day I had the nightmare was Jan 27th, the exact same day my daddy died.

  9. Physic? You mean Psychic? You're obviously not a psychic because you didn't see yourself misspelling that

  10. who knows, you could be. You should try moving things with your mind.

  11. a agree you could be touched

  12. no just coincidence

  13. no  it like i think im gonna f**t now horray i did  

  14. This thread is an epic fail, physic is the wrong word yo.

  15. yes i think u r psycic

  16. It's Psychic!  and maybe

  17. probably touched but not psyhic...

  18. a little bit, yah...

    i think i am too, cause sometimes i can predict what song is going to play on the radio next, and sometimes i even have dreams about what's going to happen the next day, or the next couple of's usually just random stuff, like riding in a car with my friends or even having conversations with someone...there's been at least two times, though, that i'll be spacing out and all of a sudden an image will pop into my head followed by a phrase in a voice that isn't my own...the last time this happened, i saw an image of my 18 year old friend smoking, and the phrase said "so-and-so just started smoking" and two weeks later i found out that it was true.

    it's cool that you're kind of physic, it surprises you sometimes but it can be fun, when you don't predict/see bad things...sorry about your uncle.

  19. Sorry about your uncle. Intuition I think. Can't explain it.

  20. can you tell me if i ever win the lottery ?  

  21. You can only tell as time progresses, but don't brag, b\c you'll lose it, b\c the same thing happened to me when I was 15. I would see stuff in my dreams and then after I told a whole bunch of people about it I lost it. I think gifts like this are meant to be kept secret unless it can benefit someone

  22. no you just have good instincts and good intuition. you feel something and it happens.
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