
Do vegans eat fish?

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Ok, so I know the answer to this. Of course they don't.

I was just thinking... there's been so much debate on here (well I say debate, it's more a case of a select few meat eaters being ridiculous) about people saying it's ok to eat fish and still be called a vegetarian.

What I've been wondering is why don't you get the same thing with vegans? Why don't people come on here claiming they're fish-eating vegans?




  1. No! Never! Ever! and they hate poofs. But I don't know why.

    Sorry that was a mistake. It is fundamentalist Christians that hate poofs isn't it? (But I think that they eat fish, because Jesus gave them some.)

  2. There are similar debates in the vegan world, like some people who wear leather and call themselves vegan.

  3. No.  They are NOT vegetarians if they eat fish.

    It's the same with religion.  You are NOT a Christian if you kill anything - that includes eating any creature.

    (Just to annoy those supposed followers of Christ's philosophies)

    [ref:] The Lord Christ Jesus Was a Vegan

  4. Vegan means not consuming anything that comes from an animal, and a fish is an animal.  True vegans don't even eat honey because it's produced by bees, let alone a whole fish.

  5. Vegetarians don't eat fish never mind vegans, as a vegetarian I used to know said "I don't eat anything that had a face."

  6. UGH! i just put up a question complaining about this because put up an article about "Oprahs new diet" and this is direct from it: "While all vegetarians don't eat red meat, some do eat fish or dairy."

    Get it straight people!

  7. I guess the trolls haven't thought of it yet.

    I don't get why there are so many trolls on this page. You'd have to have a pretty sad life to be trolling veg*ns, arguably one of the most peaceful groups of people there are.

    Very strange behaviour.

    But to be honest, if I did meet/hear of anyone calling themselves a vegan who ate fish, i'd most likely fall off my chair laughing. Which might make work mildly suspicious that my online activities are not 10%work based.

  8. Interesting point.... l too get fed up of people saying they are vegetarian, but then qualifying it by saying they still eat fish or something; which actually makes them NOT-vegetarian!

    We don't get people saying they are vegan but then qualifying it by saying they still eat cheese or something!

    I don't know, but my guess is that the white-meat-eaters or the fish-eaters are looking for a label to describe themselves and no such label exists! If there was a spectrum between carnivore and vegetarian, then you could have 'degrees' of vegetarianism. But it isn't a spectum, it can only ever be a clear dividing line. YES or NO? Meantime, if you know any semi-demi-hemi-vegetarians....give them encouragement to take the next step.

  9. No. They are NOT vegetarians if they eat fish.

    It's the same with religion. You are NOT a Christian if you kill anything - that includes eating any creature.

  10. No, everyone knows we only eat fruit and vegetables.


    edit: ok people clearly i was joking.

  11. The vegans don't eat fish, eggs, milk. They eat vegetables, cereals, fruit

  12. no....... u shud become a level five vegan (like the guy in the simpsons) and not eat ne tin with a shadow........ hahaha funny program...... but no vegan dont eat fish

  13. Fish ≠ Vegetable

  14. No. Pescetarians are  people who eat no meat but eat fish. Vegans eat no animal of all kind. So they don't. Lacto-ovo, Lacto, Ovo and other vegetarians also do not. Or else they would be pescetarians.

  15. A vegan is defined as someone who does not eat / buy animal products.


    So thats why there is no room to breath on that subject. Being Vegan is about doing as much as you possibly can to not contribute to the slaughtering of animals. No animal products means no animal products.

    a Vegitarian is more flexable. They have different types.

  16. Well cause i would say it is cause it is more than one level up.

    You see vegetarians last meat they have to give up before being able to be called a vegetarian is fish. So for a vegan the last thing you would have to give up umm I actually don't know. Is it diary or eggs maybe - anyway they would be saying they are egg eating vegan - big no no in vegan world like in vegetarian world calling yourself a fish eating vegetarian is also bad.

  17. I'm a chef and you wouldn't believe how many people we get that claim to be vegetarians and then proceed to order fish. No surprise that waiters and chefs hate all vegetarians, lol.

  18. No they don't.

  19. No.

  20. I'm not even a vegetarian but I know vegetarians cannot eat fish and still say they're veggie. Fish is not even close to being a vegetable!!

    Argument settled ;-)

    Vegans fight over the whole fruitarian VS vegan thing. Ie, is it OK to eat vegetables because the plant dies, wheras the fruit being picked doesn't kill the tree. It's all swings and roundabouts.

  21. Perhaps there are a lot of casual vegetarians, but by definition, being vegan is much more hard-core.  

    Also, I don't think it's the meat eaters claiming a vegetarian can eat fish.  I think it's vegetarians themselves who wish to make up their own set of rules because they like the label or the idea of being vegetarian.

  22. they won't eat anything that is, or comes from an animal.

  23. No

  24. No,no,and no! Vegans do not eat any animal products. They can,I guess,call themselves vegetarian if they eat fish,but I wouldn't think they would.

  25. vegans and vegetarians do not eat fish, if they did they would fall under the classification of a demi-vegitarian (i.e. they eat some meats)

  26. "What I've been wondering is why don't you get the same thing with vegans? Why don't people come on here claiming they're fish-eating vegans?"

    Because veganism requires a certain amount of intelligence.  You know, the kind of intelligence that allows one to tell the difference between a plant and an animal.

    There was a dumbasparagus on here not long ago claiming to be a lacto-vegan... I never laughed so hard in my life!

  27. No vegans do not eat anything derived from an animal. The correct term for someone who eats fish, but not meat, is a pescetarian.

    And John whatever-your-name is, you're talking out of your rear end - of course Christians eat meat! There was meat at the Last Supper - you can't call yourself a Christian if you known b*gger all about Christianity! Buddhists won't kill or injure any animal, neither will Hindhus or, indeed, any religion that believes in reincarnation (and Christianity wasn't one of them, last I checked...)

  28. Right I want to get two things straight.

    1) You ARE NOT a vegan or vegetarian if you eat fish, because fish is still a form of meat, so it would be ridiculous to argue otherwise

    2) Vegans don't eat any food that has come from any living creature (Eggs, cow's milk (hence cheese, cream and butter as well) included).

    No one claims to be a fish-eating Vegan because it would be extremely ridiculous to even propose the idea.

  29. Because vegans are true vegetarians.

  30. No, they don't!

  31. Interesting point, although some people are misreading your question. Maybe it's a social thing. There are more vegetarians than vegans (in the UK at least) and the media attention is more focused on a vegetarian diet. There are 250,000 vegans in the UK, and about 5 million vegetarians.

    People tend to see vegans as more ''hardcore'' so vegetarians get a harder time about fish eating.

    There used to be a troll on this site called ''Flexitarian Vegan'' who claimed to eat fish. Obviously, vegans & vegetarians don't eat fish. *rolls eyes*

    LOL! ;)
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