
Do vegetarians/vegans eat honey?

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some people say that they don't eat it because it comes from bees and that they kill the bees to get it just like any other slaughterhouse animal.

but then i heard other people say that they eat it because bees are not harmed at all to get their honey.

so which way is it?





  1. Vegetarians do, some vegans don't.

  2. Vegetarians do. Vegans don't.

  3. Yes, because no animals are harmed in getting the honey.

  4. Depends how strong of a vegetarian you are. I'd say yes they are allowed but if you are an EXTREMELY strong vegetarian you'd say no. Your choice.

  5. I don't think they should. If they are against eating eggs and they are against eating dairy, then why is it ok to destroy a poor innocent bees home?

  6. I don't know who they are but I know that they are a bunch of stupid morons. Don't listen to those half wits any more.

    Honey does not really come from bees. They gather pollin from flowers and make it from that. It is a plant compound not an animal compound. They also do NOT kill the bees to get it. In fact bee farmers want their bees to keep living so they can go make more.

  7. Bees aren't harmed by the process unless they sting the person. Then, well you know what happens to bees when they sting. Anyway bees, as far as we can prove, do not really think. I am not condoning cruelty against them, but bees are not intelligent enough to comprehend cruelty or pain.

  8. It's definetly a personal decision, but for vegans only. Vegans don't eat ANY animal byproduct, but eating honey should not be a problem for vegetarians.

    I don't think that gathering honey harms bees, but it's kind of sad that we take away the one thing that belongs to them :/

  9. I am a vegan, and I do not eat honey because many bees die in the process of harvesting, and they work hard for their honey and it's not my place to take it from them.

  10. vegetarians do vegans dont

  11. I can't see why they wouldn't eat honey. The bees are not killed to get the honey - it would be a bit counter productive if you think about it. But who wants to eat bee vomit anyway?

  12. i don't think they do because honey come from bees and i and you know that vegetarians don't eat animals they think its bad

  13. well i am a vegetarian and i think most vegetarians eat honey. i mean im like 99 percent sure that they dont hurt bees at all. but i mean i guess its possible. i dont eat honey just cuz i dont like it so im not sure. i know other vegetarians and they all eat honey. hope that helps. good luck:)

  14. I eat organic honey because they don't harm the bees.

    Let me add that with regular honey, they usually kill the hive every two years because they think the younger ones make better honey.

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