
Do we cheer or boo Edge?

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So he talks about Taker, so what

Im starting to like Edge for what he is doing to La Familia and Vickie

Question: Is Edge gonna turn face?




  1. heel or face we toronto ppl cheer him always

  2. i think he is a good bad guy or a bad god guy your choice i like what he is doing to vickie though

  3. Edge is another Triple H...

    Since he has more potential as a heel, it's better for business for him to be that way, even though he's popular enough to be a face.  

  4. Cheer him his current antics are hilarious I hope he remains insane for a long while.  

  5. i cheer him i love edge since the 90's

  6. He wont turn face but he will be one of the best Heels

    I think him actin insane is awesome changes the story lines brings in more SUSPENSE!

    Ya its great what he is doing to La Familia

    For some reason i think he might beat Taker idk Y!!?


  7. everyone is entitled to their own decision

  8. I say we cheer for Vickie and Boo Edge, i think thats what the creatives want us to do also!

    Dont forget VICKIE "REINSTATED" the undertaker.

  9. booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  10. sometimes i boo him,sometimes i cheer him

  11. hmmm i'll say boo edge, believe me what he has done to the smackdown GM vickie is the horrible thing, poor vickie! she shouldn't have believed him and that's nothing look what he did to chavo!

  12. edge is the most underated superstar in wwe

    we should cheer him

  13. cheer!!

    Then edge will lose to undertaker, become more crazy and then (kayfabe) kill Vickie. Then Vickie will never show her face on SD! ever again

  14. boo edge he inslotse all the other wreslre

  15. boo duh if you cheer he might turn face wich would suck

  16. That is entirely up to you...

    Why do you care if the masses cheer or boo Edge?  Be true to yourself wrestling fan

    I think Edge will just be Edge.

  17. He's still clearly a heel, whereas Vickie has actually turned pseudo-face. Up to you.

    Oh, and it's Edge's job to get you to boo him, just to let you know.

  18. boo

  19. i think edge and taker will team up against kane and rey.

  20. Right now i'm guess that Edge is a tweener, and we fans can choose to either boo him or cheer for him, since  Edge is only going after payback, and wants to make sure his wife Vickie, pays for putting him in  h**l in the Cell, which he already said he plans to do, so it's really up to the fans who to choose to support in this storyline,

    So do  they want to support Vickie who herself is a tweener GM, and wanted to get payback on Edge for cheating on her, or do you want to support Edge, who is trying to make Vickie life a living h**l. or nightmare, for put him in h**l in the Cell

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