
Do we have selfish & unpatriotic Politicians?

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With the vote of confidence on the 22nd, followed by the support for the nuclear deal, What we can see are politicians of various parties bothered only about themselves and not about the country. Starting with communists they are out to please the chinese and the russians, although everyone knows that nucelar is a must. The muslims are not bothered what is good for the country. So any treaty with the americans & with Bush who will leave in another two months, does matter. Then we have the Telegana party, They want a seperate state but No nuclear energy for the country, so the are even willing to push, an uneducated women like Mayawati for PM. Can one imagine how she will interact with world diginatires? BJP who pushed for the nuclear deal intially now wants to vote against it so that they may come to power in the next elections. This is what they think? One now feels that if the ruling UPA does not get the required majoirty, let there be elections and let the BJP come to power.




  1. Narendra Modi. That is why he is hated by selfish and corrupt politicians. They are no better than pimps who will sell India down the river if they can.

    N. Modi Roars when he says " Khato Nathi, ane Khava daish nai" Meaning " I do not steal, and I wont let any one else steal."

    Gujaratis will make a huge blunder if they ever let him down.  JUst watch  Gujarat prosper under his leadership.

  2. Liberal party. They cared only about votes and that is why they flooded the country with useless , criminally minded, immigrants from third world countries who don't bother to blend in or accept our culture and lifestyle. Soon Canada will become a third world country as well.

  3. Huh?

    Well I don't know about America ,but in the UK, yes , lots of them. Tony Blair being the most unpatriotic politician of our time.

  4. do there's many.all the countries.billions.even my teachers use to tell it.hihihi

  5. Yaaaaaaaaaaaa.totally agree.......kill em all!

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