
Do we need change?

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Posturing and Abdication

The Bush administration made clear on Friday that it will do virtually nothing to regulate the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. With no shame and no apology, it stuck a thumb in the eye of the Supreme Court, repudiated its own scientists and exposed the hollowness of Mr. Bush’s claims to have seen the light on climate change.




  1. I agree with Zechs 100%, and man made global warming, is a great big CON.

  2. We need change, but a huge change. George Bush is the least of our worries. The entire government has slowly but surely taken over everything. No political party is the good party anymore. They are all out to control us. We need guys like Ron Paul in charge, or America is screwed

  3. Yes we do Bush has done nothing but try to blow smoke up our  backside since the day he took office

  4. Global warming is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.  It may take the rest of this century to find the solutions.  All other problems, such as terrorism, energy, food crisis pale in comparison.  

    Your question touches on one of the political problems.  Think of the political problems of telling the American people that despite all the coal in the USA, it can't be dig up and burned because to do so will destroy the climate.  What politician will tell America that the electricity prices will double because of global warming?  Not only does the USA have to accept these restrictions but so does India and China.  And all countries must find an binding agreement on these matters.

    OK that's the political dimension.  Here's the technological dimension.  All machines that use energy have to become more efficient and power production has to become carbon neutral.  All this needs to be done without destroying the world's economy.

    If that's not enough, here's more.  During the 1970's, the USA made a great effort to reduce energy use and conserve.  By the 1980's all that was undone.  Once these changes have been done, we can't change our minds a few years later.  It may take 20-50 years to see global temperatures stabilize.  Also we can't wait 20 years to get started.

    As global warming continues, it will become clear that we don't have a choice to tackle it or not!  The efforts to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases will have a lot of false starts before everyone gets serious on this matter.  

    See the three dimensions of climate change, political, scientific/technological, and time.  Welcome to the big picture as I see it.

  5. We need change-but Obama isnt bringing it. h**l hes right alongside of Bush when it comes to wiretapping and the such. he voted YES for Bushs wiretapping plan last week if you didnt hear-while most other democrats voted no for it.

  6. People who make their living off of polluting the environment wont change as long as they can make money TODAY! I don't know how this country lost it morals, but we have little and most pick their personal benefit over the welfare of their country! Business almost always thinks in the short term, like the next Quarter! In the long term it cost them. Just ask General Motors!

    And those who represent the polluters, who do not represent their constituency, are not going to change either!

    Bush has seen no light! Pretty hard with blinders on, a low IQ , a substance abuse issue and making money off those who do!

    In this case their isn't even any "bean counters" to run a cost analysis to see how much they would have to spend in recalls and lawsuits versus keeping an unsafe product on the market! It's all about money! Period.

  7. there are many who do not support algores' global warming and there are facts against climate changes. Mr. Bush wasn't being disrespectful but honest and I agree with him.  The jury is really still out on this issue so cut the man some slack!

  8. Global warming caused by humans is a hoax, I remember the same groups saying we were heading for an ICE AGE in the 70's and panicked about the hole in the ozone layer in the 80's.  If we were the reason for global warming then why, in the 1800's , when we burned so much coal and wood, the sky was black with soot, yet it didn't cause a problem then?  

      The truth is, we are more environmentally conscious than ever, You always hear about the shrinking rain forest but never hear about how New Hampshire was once 80% farms and is now 80% forestland.  

      I don't want to be regulated to the point where I have to go out, dig a hole in the snow to use the bathroom.  I like beef, but if the Global warming wackos had their way beef production would be banned.  Not everybody can take the bus to work, in fact MANY people live in an area where there is no public tranportation, yet the wackos want to corral us into unhealthy cities, where most of us can't afford to buy so we'd live in tiny dumps that we spend 3/4 of our pay to rent, causing us to LOWER our quality of life.
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