
Do we need to worry???

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Me and my girlfriend have just found out we are expecting a baby!! :) The only concern is we have both been unwell lately (headaches being sick etc) and are worried this maybe affecting her pregnancy. mainly because she cannot stomach food. She is in the 6-7weeks stage of the pregnancy. can anyone help?




  1. idk

  2. they are just symptoms of pregnancy don't worry the baby is fine :)  

  3. You should see a doctor which will be able to tell why she is sick and help her. The doctor might also give vitamins and such.

    Congrats ;)

  4. It sounds to me like ordinary morning sickness - though i don't know what your problem is. Perhaps yours is psychosematic.

    Anyway - if seriously worried - go to the doctor asap.

  5. I'm really sorry to hear this.

    I hope everything goes ok.

    No one can answer for this for you other than a doctor- see one right away.

    best of luck


  6. i think you should mabye go to see a doc or your gp  

  7. She needs to go see a doctor, you can ask these questions there. It would be far better and mind settling to get a professionals opinion on this.

  8. To be honest i think your baby will be fine most women experience this through the first few weeks of pregnancy i think you'll be fine x

  9. I'm a student midwife.  Most women have morning sickness for most of the first trimester, but if you guys have both been unwell (other than not being able to stomach food) I'd see a doctor.  I can definately tell you that if you rang our hospital all the midwives would suggest the same thing.  It's too difficult to know exactly what's going on with your girlfriend over the phone or over the net.  She needs to be examined.  I'm sure all is ok but get to a doctor just to be safe.

  10. I don't think that would affect the pregnancy, I think the pregnancy is affecting HER. lol That is totally normal for her to feel that way, and perhaps you are suffering from sympathy pain? Tell her don't worry, it will get better! As for you, suck it up princess! Your girlfriend isn't feeling well and has a good reason, you need to be there for her to make her feel better. Good luck and congrats!

  11. head aches and feeling sick could be carbon monoxide poisoning. see your doc but explain you are both ill as these are pregnancy symptoms too.    congratulations!

  12. I know that eating disorders are harmful to pregnancy, which is relevant to this case, even if your wife does not have one. If this is something that has been going on for weeks, then I would say that a visit to your doctor is due. If this is just day two or three of her having problems eating, I would say just tell her to take it easy.

  13. Check for gas leaks in house if you are both feeling ill.

    Could just be a bug but I'd go see the doc.

  14. If she hasn't been to her Ob/GYN yet, have her go. She could just be having the lovely ol morning sickness. Have her eat crackers, toast , yogurts anything light but enough to keep her energy up and enough calories and nutrients. Its very important. Also go to babies R Us or Motherhood Maternity and buy some Preggo Pops. They work wonders for morning sickness, they are Little candies designed for this.  It shouldn't effect the pregnancy at all unless, she is NOT eating anything.  Have her see her Dr. they can help her and give her all the info she needs. CONGRATS!!! Hope you guys feel better!

  15. It is highly common for a woman to be sick whilst pregnant. But is this is continuous, it is highly advisable she visit her GP for advice. She my get dehydrated, this can affect both her and the baby. However, if you are sick also..... Both of your immune systems are unwell and weakened. If you are sick, I would advise you seek a GP also.... you may need some anti biotics. Then again, all of this could just be down to stress as your girlfriend is expecting a baby.

    Either way, your girlfriend is pregnant with your baby. You should never REALLY take advice on here and avoid seeing a GP. Go and see your GP, both you and your girlfriend. He/She will be able to give you both a check over and let you know if you need to take and pre cautions or medication etc...

  16. Believe it or not women's bodies take care of that baby through out mommy being sick. make sure you talk to moms dr and make sure she is getting plenty of fluids, and yourself too.  make sure she asks her dr what medicines are safe to take if any during her pregnancy. good luck and congrats on the baby  

  17. Take her to the doctor he will check to see if everything is ok with her and the baby

    Good Luck

  18. Some people do find it very difficult to eat during pregnancy but you need to go to the doctors as both the baby and the mum will need to be checked on mre then normal.  

  19. Your baby will be fine, especially if it is just a stomach virus. She needs to at least try and hold down some crackers. This will help with any morning sickness that might occur. If she hasn't already set up an appointment to see a doctor and they can give you more advice on how to care for her growing baby as well as a illness.

    Good Luck

  20. I think mummy and baby will be fine as long as she is still taking in liquids she will be fine, try eating some toast when u can and if u r not better in the next couple of days consult your doctor. but they both should be fine.

  21. If you said it was just her being sick with headaches and such I would have said don't worry about it. But if you both are unwell, that is something I would be looking into. Check wherever you live for mold or mildew on the walls, windows, counters. Everywhere! Makes sure to go over the bathroom really well just to rule that out.

    And of course speak to a doctor.

  22. Until you can schedule an appointment with a doctor, you need to make sure he is getting enough food and water. Even if it's only tiny bits at a time. Small sips of water every 10 minutes or less and a bite of something or a spoonful of yogurt. Yogurt is good, it doesn't feel like food, but it's easy to keep down.

    She especially needs to make sure she doesn't become dehydrated. That's vital.

    You should all be fine though, including baby! Congratulations, and get to the doctor!

    Good luck, take care (all of you!)


  23. Sounds like morning sickness - 6 weeks is around the time you start to notice it.

    I had it bad during my pregnancy and I lost some weight at the start of my pregnancy - but any little food I did manage to keep down went straight to the baby because your body gives them first priority lol!

    I got my appetite back in the last months and had a big healthy 9 pound boy. Her midwife will keep an eye on things.

    If she doesnt have morning sickness and has food poisoning or something then she should go to her doctor.

  24. It's normal for her to have trouble keeping food down. She might even start to loose weight before she starts to feel better. If this trowing up thing continues she can have a doctor prescribe her some pills that are not harmful to the baby and will help her keep food down. The headache thing might just be from the lack of food in her system and exhaustion from throwing up. As for you, you  are probably having sympathy pains for her. That is also normal. Once she is able to eat and keep things down don't be surprised if you start putting on a few pounds yourself. I wouldn't worry and if you are bothered that bad there is always the doctors!  

  25. she should eat liquid food like those shakes you can get. s long as she is not sick too much she should be ok. she needs to keep hydrated tho.

  26. If both of you are sick I would be worried there is something environmental making you sick; like molds, chemicals, etc.

    "Morning" sickness (which can happen at any time) is relatively normal but it depends on the severity.  

  27. Hi congratualtions on your great news, Im sure your girlfriend will be fine, she is at the stage or pregnancy where the symtoms of pregnacy kick in so this is probably why she can keep anything down, somtimes it effect women in different ways some only get morning sickness for the first 12 weeks others have it till about 5 month. You girlfriend shoud be able to get to the doctors pretty soon if she is pregnant so maybe she will be best to see the doctor and get something her illness as that cannot be helping in pregnancy as well as morning sickness.

    But im sure your baby will be ok and that you both will be feeling better soon and that you can then enjoy the pregnancy.  

  28. Perhaps it would be best if she went to see her GP.

    They can give her a general once over and make sure that she is OK.

    Best to be safe than sorry

  29. She'll be fine---the baby will draw on her reserves right now. If she can keep down orange juice and a prenatal vitamin with folic acid that would be good for both of them.

    Like many women, I spent weeks puking day and night with "morning" sickness. Didn't hurt the kids at all.

    Best wishes!
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