
Do we really need meat?

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I just got off a four week vegetarian fast (part of a detox), and had two bites of chicken and didn't even care for it.

Do we really need meat?




  1. nope, not as long as you eat other protiens

  2. Of course we don't need meat. Millions of people live their whole lives as vegetarians. This has been going on throughout all human history. It's a completely healthy way of life and one that's free of animal cruelty and slaughter. It's also known to be the healthiest diet along with the low animal-based protein diet or pescatarian diet. As long as you have a balanced vegetarian diet you won't have to worry about iron or protein deficiencies. The only thing really is B12 but you can get that from supplements or from growing your own veggies.

  3. Well i am managing okay without it for the past 30+, you would not be lacking in protein as you eat fish or any soya products plenty of fruit and veggies you can survive.

  4. not necesarilly you need the proteins in meats but if your rich go and by meat alternatives that have the same nutrients and talk to your doc about ways to get the same nutrients as meat.

    but i would try to get mat in my diet

  5. Not really because people can eat other things that contain the same amount of nutrients as meat products. After all, the Canadian Food Guide labels "Meat and Alternatives" (the one in red). So a vegetarian could eat an alternative to meat, like tofu and peanut butter (don't eat it if you are allergic to it) and a whole lot of other alternatives that could "replace" meat.

  6. no.

  7. Our bodies need protein.

    Meat is protein.

    But there are many other foods that have protein that can be eaten in place of meat.

  8. no!!!! we are naturally herbavores.

  9. do we need

    do we need

    do we need 99.99% of everything we

    to single out meat is wrong...after all we dont NEED apples...or bananas or lettuce...but we eat them anyway

    hollywood...what im trying to say is yes we dont need meat but you eat plenty of fruits and veg you dont need so to try and say we dont need meat and complain about it then eat things yourself you dont need is wrong

    just my opinion

    Last time i checked you can get vitamin C in tablet form without the need for why eat fruits when you dont have to?

    what are these magical plant chemicals that no other source can provide?

    tablet form is perfectly fine.....this is because millions dont have access to fresh fruits if these tablets didnt work they wouldnt be on the shelves....

    what about eskimos...last time  i checked there are no fruit trees growing in the barren wastes...they rely predominantly on meat and they are very healthy

    and to clear things perfectly aware meat is  not needed but i can be healthy and eat meat

    after are not essentail...computers arnt essential...but im sure your gonna drive a car

    EDIT Fishy939  going vegetarian doesnt make you automatically healthier and meat is technically renewable in a way as animals continue to breed

  10. As long as you get your daily protein through plant products (tofu, beans, etc.) you do not need meat.

    I am vegetarian...and was told by my doctor to make sure you get enough B12 in your diet (which is in red meats)...or you could get serious health problems!!!!

    Its important to read up on becoming vegan to avoid nutrient deficiencies or health issues....without the facts you could put your life in danger!

    Good Luck...i personally think its healthier and better for your body...i see a difference in myself over the past couple months (i've been fully veg for about a month....started 4 months ago...i did it gradually)

    : )

  11. you do not need meat, but you must supplement your diet with some sort of protein (beans are a good choice) and vitamins if you choose not to eat meat.

  12. No we don't need meat necessarily, but we do need protein. Many vegetarians lack adequate protein, but some good sources are dairy, beans, tofu, and nuts.

  13. Probably no more than central heat, air conditioning, hot and cold running water, indoor plumbing or a 100 mph car.  But as long as I can afford it I will continue to eat it. And I would give some of the others before I would give up meat.

  14. No!

    People talk about energy, how we should be going to renewable energy sources like wind energy.

    Are pigs renewable if we eat them?

    Plants are.  Beans are.  Nuts are.  

    Lets go to the better option of eating here.  

    Meat has protein, but so do soy beans.  Vegetarians and vegans can get every nutrient we need by eating healthier, renewable foods.

    Meat is useless.  Poor animals, could've had a life.

    Beans don't have a brain, neither does lettuce.  We can always plant more of them.

    Going vegetarian also makes you healthier.  You get so many more vitamins and minerals.

    Go vegetarian and lose meat!

  15. No, we don't need meat to be healthy. We can get all of the vitamins and nutrients we need by eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains. Just look at all of the people in India who have been vegetarian or vegan since birth and are healthy!

    There are vegetarian foods that are high in protein, iron, and calcium. Here's a list:

    I've been vegetarian for over 10 years and I'm in excellent health. I'm one of the few people in my family who doesn't need to take cholesterol-lowering drugs.

  16. No. I have gone 11 years without it and I'm fine.

    Protein is not an issue for vegans & vegetarians. People if you think we need meat, do some research.

    The oldest woman in the world was vegetarian.

    Bottom line- we don't need meat.

    @Timmy- apples are not a food group, unlike meat. Meat is a food group. Fruit & Vegetables is a food group that is essential to human health. We NEED fruit and veg, but we don't need meat.

    Vitamin C is found in fruit and vegetables. No other source is reliable. We must eat fruit and vegetables every day to maintain good health, not just for the vitamin C, but for the unique plant chemicals that no other source can provide.

    It is impossible to live without fruit, vegetables & plant matter.

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