
Do we still have orphanages?

by Guest65112  |  earlier

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Do we still have orphanages?




  1. I know that one of my best friends worked in a place for kids who weren't in foster care. It wasn't called an orphanage. She couldn't work there for long, she said the children were treated like mental patients. The people in charge were very abusive towards the children. There needs to be a big overhaul done in this country. We need to help addicts get clean and not turn our noses at them. We need to have parenting classes in schools. We need to do everything possible to make families healthy and whole. We can't walk around blaming, we need to start fixing. Bringing awareness to the abuse and corruption in the foster care system is the first step. One abused / neglected child is one too many.

  2. Not in Canada we don't.  Thankfully.  

    Mind you, if we don't have enough foster homes then the kids end up supervised living in hotels or, hopefully, group homes but that doesn't happen very often thankfully.

  3. Often today they are called: Group Homes, Residential Treatment Centers and Therapeutic Foster Care.... sad.

  4. Yes.It's sad though.

  5. In first world nations, group homes and residential treatment facilities tend to be the substitute for orphanages, for those children who do not have foster families.

    In other areas of the world, of course, orphanages are very common.

  6. not in the states, we have foster care but in other countries, there are

  7. yes we do and it is sad too.

  8. yes. but in the u.s. they're usually called group homes.

  9. yes, sadly. There is one in my town, full of children who were either abandoned, neglected or abused by their parents. I don't know why they are not in foster homes (or if thats any better for them). These kids need homes, I hope someone helps them soon.

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