
Do wild rabbits make good pets

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my friend found a baby 5 day old rabbit on the street. there are no adult rabbits in our neighborhood so she decided to pick it up.she feeds it and grooms it and now that the rabbit can walk and hop a little she is wondering if wild rabbits are safe and good pets. Her and the rabbit have a very close bond and the rabbit is a part of the family. It has a charming attitude toward anyone he encounters. she is wondering if she should keep him would it be elegal to keep him?? he never bites?? help me please???




  1. How do you know it was 5 days old? It sounds like it is a lost domestic rabbit and will make good pets if properly cared for, can even be trained to a box.  

  2. Wild animals are wild and are meant to be kept as such.  And, yes, it is illegal to harbor and keep wild animals as pets.  And its demeanor has no effect on the judgement passed.  Unfortunately, she has probably hurt it beyond anything else by keeping it.  It will not thrive in either the wild nor in captivity.  Rehabilitation needs to start now!

  3. I got a domestic rabbit once and it was hard for me to handle. It acted very wild, even though it was a domestic breed. Hopefully, since you got it as a baby it may adapt better. I would still take it to the vet if you plan on keeping it. Also, be sure to read on pet care.

  4. Take it to the vet and get it's shots and won't be a wild rabbit it will be a pet. Rabbits aren't 'domesticated' like dogs or cats they are just pretty chill animals by nature

  5. well you should go to the vet and probably the safe thing is that the rabbit gets his shots...and no they do not make good pets they should be from a pet shop

  6. if its eating and acting well....keep it and have fun...I found 2 wild baby rabbits at different times and they never would eat anything so I let them go where I found them...if they would have started eating I would have kept them..they are so cute....I have a 4 yr old deer that I bottle they don't make good pets...they are wild. and get do raccoons....I have bottle raised raccoons,opossums, and use to raise exotic may be against the law in your state...but who is gonna come in your friends house looking for a baby rabbit?  nobody....if it gets mean as it gets older  as most wild animals do...this little bunny may be an exception to the will have to find some woods and set it free ...hope i helped you...

  7. She can keep him, but he will get wilder and less tame as he gets older.  She may find that he is happier free to roam.

  8. No. Wild animals are wild. They are not meant to be pets. It is illegal in most plaes to even have a wild animal without a permit. It may be happy now, but in a month or 2, it will not be content to live in a cage. Put the rabbit outside and let it live the way it is supposed to.

    If your friend wants a rabbits, go to an animals shelter and adopt one.  

  9. yeah i think rabies is an essential elment to anyones happines

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