
Do women get offended too easily?

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Do women get offended too easily?




  1. Yes. Grab a couple butts here and there and all of a sudden you're the bad guy.

  2. Women get offended when the environment is comfortable for them to be offended.  -- Likewise, women sit there and take, AND LEARN TO LIKE things that would otherwise be offensive if the environment is conducive. Look at bukkkkake... back in the day that woman would probably found it a lil offensive to have 85 men google on her mug--- but something obviously changed her outlook right?  Basically, you need to be coming from a position where a woman cannot afford to be offended by what you say.

  3. depends on.........................................








  4. Some people are easily offended.  It has nothing to do with gender.

  5. Not at all, most of them just like leading role and center stage of the drama show.

  6. it's not a gender issue, there isn't a genetic characteristic in women that make them touchy.......

    are you serious?

  7. If they're insecure, but that aplies to everyone.

  8. I hardly ever get offended, unless I am in a bad mood, which I am today.  ha

    I just can't tolerate stupidity and ignorance sometimes..blatent stupidity gets on my nerves.

    EDIT:  I can only answer for myself...I can't and won't speak for anyone else.  Andre..the basis for your assumption makes no sense.  How do I know if all women get more offended than men?  I know an equal amount of sensitive males to females.

  9. Many of them do, many of them don't.

  10. I hardly ever get offended.

    Hope this helps :D

  11. Which Women?

    You could just as easily have asked 'are men so thick skinned and insensitive that we don't get offened easily'.

    Which Men?

    You get 0/10 for such a sweeping generalisation.


  12. I don't

  13. yes because females care there hearts are pure.

  14. they get offended when men make sexist comments like this. not all women get offended easily. wat if i asked "are men seriously that stupid?" during puberty, most girls will bcom sensitive b/c of their hormones and guys think w/their p***s b/c of their hormones. no, its just that sometimes ppl make comments or ask things that they think isnt hurtful but it is.

  15. Notice that the first two women who answered answered ONLY for themselves ? But, your question is clearly about whats the TREND between the population of men and women.

    So, a personal answer reveals nothing about anyone but the one person, and so violates the following principle of science and statistics:

    "The singular of 'anecdote' is NOT 'citation'. "

    Its the same as asking " Do people like chocolate more than they like cheese ", and having two cheese lovers tell you "I prefer cheese." That tells you NOTHING about anyone but those two cheese lovers. It certainly tells you nothing about what the relative popularity among millions of people is.

    So, in answer to your question, yes, women do get more easily offended, because they, as the two female answerers

    did, presume that their views MUST be the Standard, and whatever is different from said Standards must be Bad.

    Thats a way of thinking that is tribal in nature. Organised technological societies are supposed to be able to empathise beyond such a narrow and self centered view. But, tribal views and societies are the ones where offense is most easily taken, and where the price for said offenses are the most grave. Consider Rwanda...

  16. I've become desensitized to many things that would stereotypically annoy a woman. Now they just bore me.

  17. "Too easily" implies that they get offended inappropriately.

    On the average, I think, they do seem ready or waiting to get offended and often find offense where none was intended.  Also, perhaps too they are now more vocal about things that have always offended them.

    Women are a bit like minorities.  You may have noticed how easily certain minorities take offense.  I think it's part of a type of civil-rights mentality gone overboard.

    Like Rodney King said years ago: "Why can we all just get along."

    I think there is not more eloquent indictment of men and women in this society than the divorce rate and our inability to enjoy the gender differences, rather than perpetuate a gender war.  If we haven't learned to get along after a few thousand years of trying, when will we?

  18. I don't get offended easily,unless it is sexual joke direct to me.

  19. In context I believe we do, which comes from poor listening; quite often that leads to a misunderstanding.  So, what I'm saying is that no I am not perfect; all I can do is to practice understanding more.  Well, that's all I got.

  20. When women feign outrage, they unleash several powerful cultural forces which cause men to recoil in horror and other people to rush to the woman's aid and defense.

    So whether or not they get offended too easily isn't the issue.  It's whether the act of appearing outraged serves its intended purpose.

    And it does.

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