
Do you Believe in Aliens??

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Do you believe in Aliens & do you believe in them visiting earth???

>>Just want see what the people got to say!!!<<<




  1. Yes. I think im actually scared of them. My least favorite story was the one where a woman was pregnant for 8 weeks and then the baby just suddenly disapeared. The woman claimed she was abducted by aliens.

  2. my cousin personally doesnt but i do because all this universe God made we CAN&#039;T be the only ones. they just found liquid hydrocarbons on Saturn&#039;s moon Titan i think so that should be proof that other planets can sustain life. we probably have screwed ourselves out of meeting them though with all our war and pollution and corruption on the most part.

  3.   It should be obvious that in an infinite universe,there are infinite chances for intelligent life to evolve. Even if 1/1000000000th of 1 percent of possible planets could evolve higher life, that # would still be infinite , because infinity divided by any finite # is still infinity.There should be life forms ranging from viruses and bacteria to humanoid , or even more evolved life out there.

      As far as visiting Earth, there is evidence of that possibility ,but the jury will be out ,till they land in a populated area and provide physical proof to many witnesses. Don&#039;t rely on the government, they will only try to suppress it and /or destroy the aliens. The media are not much more trustworthy.

  4. for sure

  5. yes i saw a ship the arizona lights is what non believrs call them but if you saw it in person you would know

  6. yeah, there has to be something else in the universe that never ends besides this lonely little planet.

  7. If, by aliens you mean extraterestial life, then my answer is definitely! Given the number of stars just in our galaxy, and not even considering the billions or even trillions of stars that exist in other galaxies, I have absolutely no doubt that conditions exist on countless stars,(and I&#039;m talking thousands or millions) that would be conducive for the evolution of life. As to being visited by aliens, I have the same certainty that that is impossible. The problem that exists in the minds of most people when someone says that it&#039;s impossible is that if there really are other life forms then why is it impossible. I know that no-one will believe me....except astronomers or people who can attempt to appreciate the vastness of space. I say &quot;attempt&quot; because it is impossible to really grasp the size of our galaxy let alone the size of the universe. No-one will believe me because if you really want to believe something that hasn&#039;t been proven wrong, you will continue to believe it no matter how much evidence and statistical analysis demonstrates the virtual impossibility. For example, the nearest star to us excluding the sun is alpha Centauri, which is ~4.3 light years away. That&#039;s 25,277,000,000,000 miles away. Lets assume you could travel 250,000 mph, it would take 11,534years to get there. Of course a round trip would take twice as long, and that&#039;s assuming that you could accelerate to 250,000 mph instantaneously,AND, that&#039;s the nearest star!! Given the billions of stars there are, the distances between them, and the fact that we&#039;re located on the rim of our galaxy far from the galactic center, it&#039;s virtually impossible. Ah but I can almost hear you say,   &quot;But it&#039;s not impossible.&quot;  Right, you, and others who want to believe go right ahead. I believe the people in Roswell, New Mexico are really glad you do; they make lots of money from the gullible.

  8. Yes and Yes!  I know it is difficult to be sure, but the EVIDENCE of the existence of E.T.s visiting Earth is mounting.  

    Some 62 primary school children, who supposedly experienced a mass encounter, claim they were telepathically told that we are harming Earth with our pollution and that something bad is going to happen as a result.

    Alien Encounter: How can 62 children lie?

    Ruwa, Zimbabwe 1994 / Listen to Isabelle

    Also,  the space shuttle Columbia captured UFO&#039;s on their inferred camera.

    Finally,  their is the Starchild Skull.

  9. I believe in alien bacteria, not on our planet, but on others. And bacteria can`t visit Earth.  

  10. no i do not.  

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