
Do you agree? about vegans?

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do you agree with this statement:

"all vegans are also vegetarians, however not all vegetarians are vegan."

b/c my friend keeps saying im not a vegetarian because i am a vegan even though i think i can be both...




  1. i dis-agree with your friend.

  2. You are right.  Vegans are the most strict vegetarians.

  3. vegan here, if someone was to call me a veggie, id say "I'm not a veggie I'm a vegan", but I suppose you might say that it's a form of vegetarianism. Joan Dunayer call veganism, "true vegetairianism". Perhaps she has a point.

  4. Yes, you don't eat meat.

  5. no not all vegans are vegetarians

    its simple...a vegan cant be a vegetarian because to be a vegetarian you have to be able to eat everything a vegetarian eats...which you cant as they still eat dairy and eggs

    therefore a vegan cant be a vegetarian

    while yes they both dont eat meat...a vegan simply cannot be a vegetarian as vegetarians still eat dairy and eggs, therefore they are a sub classification

    simply fact

    vegan = no meat, no eggs and no dairy or any animal product

    vegetarian = no meat

    omnivore = everything

    if you are a vegan you dont eat or use animal products...therefore you cant be vegetarian as vegetarian still use animal products

  6. Yes all vegans are vegetarians, becasuse they too cannot eat meat. And it's also true that not all vegetarians aer vegan, becasue you can be vegetarian and eat milk, eggs, and honey. I'd tell your friend to shove it =).

  7. You can't be a non-vegetarian vegan since non-vegetarian implies the eating of meat, something neither vegans nor vegetarians do. Therefore, all vegans are inherently vegetarian. However, most vegetarians still eat dairy, eggs, honey etc & many still use animal products, which vegans don't so not all vegetarians are vegan.

    So basically yes, I agree with your statement.

  8. That's just like saying all Catholics are Christians but not all Christians are Catholic..

    Yoiur frind seemks to be a bit confused about what a vegan or a vegetarian is..

  9. Vegans *are* strict vegetarians.

    The term 'vegetarian' was coined many years before the term 'vegan'. Veganism is a branch of vegetarianism.

    Vegetarian simply means ''meat free''. Since vegans are meat-free, they are vegetarians.

  10. If you go by what is found within the dictionary, yes.



    a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.  

    If you go by what many seem to post on this section of YA - questionable.

  11. Of course you are correct.  Tell your friend to look up the actual Dictionary definition of vegetarian, and that proves it.  Here is one ..



    1. a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.


    2. of or pertaining to vegetarianism or vegetarians.

    3. devoted to or advocating this practice.

    4. consisting solely of vegetables: vegetarian vegetable soup.

    Compare lacto-ovo-vegetarian, lactovegetarian, vegan.

    [Origin: 1835–45; veget(able) + -arian] Unabridged (v 1.1)

    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

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