
Do you agree??????????

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( sorry about all the ??? but i need to make the question longer) i am vegan but my friend thinks i should just forget about it because its doing no good, she says that if i don't eat it someone else will so i am doing no real good




  1. She's right. You can't change the world by changing your diet. No one cares what you eat!

  2. No...You are right. Its your faith and belief, so need to follow others. Being vegetarian a good habit.  

  3. Eating meat is harmful both to the animals and to the environment. Cutting down on the amount of meat you eat, or stopping entirely, is a positive consumer choice.

    Every bit counts. As more people shift to environmentally-conscious choices, industry will be forced to adapt. If less people buy meat, fewer animals will be bred and slaughtered, and crops used to feed livestock will be used instead for people.

  4. You CAN make a change. Small, but enough people can make a big change. Here's a real life example: my dad, by himself, turned vegetarian as a teenager. When I was born, he and my mom raised me vegetarian. I have a friend who has become vegetarian in my influence. So, because of my dad, two other people in this world are vegetarian.

  5. Your friend is clearly ignorant when it comes to veganism. Don't listen to them, just continue what you're doing.  

  6. do whatever you want to do.

    in my personal opinion, saying that one person won't make a difference and so they should just go ahead and give up is kind of bullshit, if you know what i mean. people change, advance, and move on to new things in and throughout history and life in general. if one person does anything, whether it be recycling and eating raw or littering and eating mcdonalds everyday, they will have an affect on the world. every single person matters when it comes down to it, or else nothing would ever change. and things change. people change. revolutions happen. you get what i'm saying.

    just do what you want to do. it is your body after all.

  7. "Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world,  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

    -Margaret Mead

    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

    -Mahatma Gandhi

    I think your friend is wrong (and a cynic, to boot.)  The more people who eschew meat, the fewer animals that will be bred and slaughtered.  You are responsible for *your* ethical decisions and you are responsible for *your* carbon footprint.  If being vegan works for you on both counts, it matters.

  8. None of the major positive changes that have occured throughout history have happened without opposition. I have been a vegetarian for about 7 years and I feel that I have done "real good". I have spread awareness. I have shown the people around me that you can stand up for what you believe in.

    Your friend is probably right that one person being a vegan cannot make a difference, but you are not alone! There are lots of vegans and vegetarians out there and we are all spreading awareness.

    If you still feel uneasy think of the fable about the man and the starfish.

    A man is walking along the beach picking up starfish that have washed ashore and throwing them back into the water. Another man comes up to him and says "there are too many starfish, you can't save them all, you can't make a difference." The man leans down and picks up another starfish and throws it into the water and says "it made a difference to that one".
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