
Do you agree with these statements?

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1. Never talk to the police whether innocent or guilty, one should always keep their mouth closed when dealing with police.

2. Politely state your right to the 5th amendment and say thanks but no thanks.

3. An adequate defense can only be prepared/mounted from the outside, so make bail ASAP.




  1. 1.  If you are innocent, then talking to the police is not a bad thing, it may also help them find who is responsible, furthermore in many MINOR incidents, talking to the police may mean the difference between a warning, ticket or jail.

    2.  If you are guilty  then yes, get a lawyer .

  2. NO!

  3. As police they are fair and just but have to prosecute and adhere to the law.

    All I hope is that when a police officer hears that someone has tried to contact them that they know at least they made the effort.

    Maybe they know what they have done in the past is wrong and they are sorry but can't do anything about it. So whatever the consequences they will be prosecuted if not now then later. Be sure your sin will find you out.

    I know it is better sooner than later.

    The police are not the enemy.

    The enemy is your everyday person who is in fact a criminal and is unrepentant and wants others to be like him or her.

    Try taskforce seven. with the s backwords. It is a seven tier system that attacks that starts with youth and the contact they have with the everyday person. Then on top of that are your known locations such as den's for certain things like drugs.

  4. I agree totally. Talking to the police can get you in more trouble as anything you say can be held against you!!! Talk to a lawyer before you give them any information except name and address. Police try to get you to confess or snitch and try to confuse you and your words. they are trained for this. Do not give them the advantage!!

  5. If a person doesn't want to cooperate with the police....the only person they are hurting is himself.  A witness will always be there...and their buddies will roll on them.   If someone is in serious trouble....the prosecutor...the one who decides the  charges going to know what an as$ that person is being.  FORGET about getting a, "deal".

  6. these statements are a matter of personal choice if they refuse to talk with the police, and however one decides to handle these situations stated in the questions,  they deal with the consequences.

  7. Yes, they sound right.  You don't have to go into detail.  Just say you want your lawyer and you aren't talking.  Even if you are guilty, don't talk.  Don't say anything even if you are innocent.  Anything can be taken out of context.

  8. No I do not agree.

    1. Not talking to the police is usually interpreted as you have something to hide, and will only make the officer more suspicious of you.

    2. The 5th Amendment only applies IN COURT, where testimony will self-incriminate.

    3. An adequate defense is the job of the Attorney, whether you are incarcerated or not.

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