
Do you also love old electronics?

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Hi, does anyone else have this? I love old electronics so much. I hate it when people throw away old pcs. I would love to keep them all even though i dont really know how i would use them lol




  1. I don't like to fill my flat with stuff I don't/can't use, but I also don't buy new technology unless my old version of it is broken. Why waste my money? I can spend it on much better things (like food! :-)!)

    I still use my Pentium II 350 PC with 512mb SD Ram with a VooDoo 2 graphics card. It's enough as a glorified type writer for uni work!

    Same goes for other technology. I only got a DVD player because they were 1) cheaper than a VCR and 2) because I couldn't buy films on tape any more! I won't be getting a Blu-ray effort until I'm forced to. I've not got into this flat screen thing either - my TV isn't broken (yet) so why buy a new one? I'll keep it forever if it lasts!

    I also like to repair things if I can. My 5 year old laptop has a few problems at the moment, so I've got my soldering iron out. It'll cost £40 to repair it..... or £300+ to replace it. Why spend more just because the multimedia industry wants me to?!

    Save money - but don't collect trash! < - other money saving tips

  2. i like to take them apart and see how they work

  3. I am more into the latest technology myself. Out with the old, in with the new! My parents were pack rats and I will never be that way. I don't like having stuff I don't use lying around cluttering my house.

  4. Yeah its hard to just throw old things out like that, even if they aren't worth anything!

    I like to rip bits out and use them elsewhere, good recycling :D

  5. Yep,  me too. Im a gadget freak and work in IT but love going home to listen to old records on my newly acquired 40 year old record player. It even smells like a 40 year old record player! We all too easily get sucked into this electronic obsessed world where 2 year old devices become obsolete. Seems like there's no excitement and real enjoyment involved in pressing buttons and seeing how things work anymore, so I can see where you're coming from.

    I get more pleasure from watching my record player automatically and rather awkwardly changing it's own record than I do from downloading podcasts to my iphone.

    With old electronics, you knew that they were groundbreaking devices, asking yourself 'how the h**l do they do that?' These days we can just watch 'How do they do that' on Discovery channel to see it, the magic is gone..

    Remember the old Nintendo 64? Sega megadrive? Pocket Simon? Retro tv's, radios, antique telephones.. Just take a look on ebay and see how popular these things are

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