
Do you always keep your promises?

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Do you always keep your promises?




  1. Depends how serious it is, but there are a few which I will be "taking to the grave with me." Unfortunately, there are also some promises which I've broken... I think it's human nature sadly (women in general have a harder time with this, I think)

  2. well my promises normally are meaning less but i try my best to keep them

  3. if i make a promise, i try like h**l to keep it.

  4. Yes i do.  I don't make one i know i can't keep.

  5. it depends on the promise

    i usually do

  6. I don't make promises, that way if I can't keep them no one gets hurt.  

  7. i don't keep promises Co's i believe that they are made to be broken.... i make commitments

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