
Do you balance your check book ? ?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering how many people actually do this. :o)




  1. Most banks have a fine liner stating:

    "If you do not report any error, within 30 days of report generation, it will be considered as correct report"

    So it is wise to check and balance it as soon as you can, in order to avoid any discrepancy later.  

  2. Whats a checkbook??? lol

  3. Not to the penny, but I check my account every 7-10 days to see what checks have cleared and what my balance is. If all checks have cleared, and there are no errors, I then update my balance in my check book to include the minor difference I usually see once in a while from interest being added. I have NEVER been off more than a few cents which comes from interest being added. At the end of the month, I always balance my check book against the statement.

  4. Always, otherwise there is too much room for error or mistakes that can be very costly  

  5. Sometimes

  6. Of course, how else can you accurately keep up with your finances? That's why alot of people are in debt today....they don't watch their money close enough.

  7. Yes ,  once  a  month  I  process  it  for  the  upcoming  month .

    Life   sucks  if  you  are  clueless  about  your  $$$$  and  then

    The  bank  starts  charging  LOTS  of  $$$$$  for  overdrafts  .  .   .

    Can   there  be  any  greater  stupidity  than  paying  a  bank    $$$$$$  because   you  did  Not  do  some  basic  math .

    ps .   I   NEVER   deal  with the  change  columns ,

    Deposits  are  listed  at  the  lower  dollar  eg.   $275.80   is  $275

    And   debits  are  listed  at  the  next  higher  eg  $18.30  is  $19 .

    Saves   adding   2  whole  columns  of  numbers  and  you  gradually  build  up  an  excess  buffer  in the  account .


  8. Yes - I obsessively check my balance daily. Sometimes the husband "forgets" to tell me about a transaction.  

  9. You should check it about 4 or 5 days. If it balances  out, just put a yellow line and say balance ok and date it. My wife went crazy until I gave her the idea.

  10. Yes every few days.  Very anal about it.  Do you?  

  11. Everyday!

    I learned by mistakes. After overdrawing a few times (with small amounts like $5 or $15) - I realized I need to be on top of my $.

    It's pretty easy to do once you start.

  12. NO i look it up on wamu :(

  13. Not always

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