
Do you beleive in magic?

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Do you beleive in magic?




  1. I don't doubt that anythings possilbe

  2. In the sense of the wonderful and surprising, yes.  

    In the sense of an ability to use spells, potions, or rare powers for the good of humanity, no.

    In the sense of spiritual assistance and/or interference, yes, at times.

    Just because you can explain the workings of helium balloons and magnets does not make them nonmagical.  Just see them through a toddler's eyes.

    Some people, by diligent practice and cultivation, can accomplish amazing physical feats or even gently nudge others towards health or at least an amelioration of symptoms.  Yet this is nothing marvelous of itself when you remember that we are all children of God with divine qualities, and that all have some gift given to them.

    I have felt powerful witnesses of God's love and the witness of the Holy Ghost at times in my life, but I have also felt things that were not so wholesome or loving.  May I be preserved forever from the latter.

    With all this in mind, I'm minded to follow the Jewish Bible and the New Testament in regards to occult practices -- simply avoid them completely.  If I can get what I want by repenting and praying or by working for it (even with eastern methods), then the gift comes either from God or from the abilities he gave me, and that's all I need.  I don't want to read my horoscope, use the Tarot, consult a ouija, confer with psychics, or even worship with Wiccans, though many of them no doubt are fine people.

  3. If you mean

    falling in love- no

    faeries and such- yes

    pagan rituals- yes


  4. no not really, but there some things that cant be explained

  5. Well I believe that magicks exist.

  6. Frist define magic, then I can answer

  7. There is something to it, it can work, both good and evil.

  8. That depends on the kind of "magic" you reffer to.

    If you mean Harry Potter kind of stuff. No.

    If you mean illusionism performed by Cris Angel, well, that's illusionism.

    If you mean ceremonial "magick" (with "K") use in religious rituals by Pagan witches. Yes, I do believe in it, because I am a Pagan.

    By the way, if you meant ceremonial magick, then your question belongs to the Religion & Spirituality section of Yahoo Answers.

  9. Yes. Magick is defined as change within the comformity of one's will. If I want a new pair of shoes and save my money to buy them, that is magick. Prior to saving my money I didn't have the shoes but after I save the money I did get the shoes. That is change in conformity with my will and therefore magick.

  10. no i beleved in love

  11. i believe in it in the non-literal sense...

    like, "wow that song is like magic for me"


    "you make my heart feel like magic"

    sort of thing


    not so much the pointing a wand at someone and having flashes of thunder and sound hit them in the face sort of stuff

  12. a trick

  13. absolutely.

    unless that magic is supposed to help

    me fall in love. then NO.

    by the way there's a sweet cover

    of that song by the Format, for anyone

    who likes... covers.

  14. Not at all.

  15. Yes, but only the prayer form of it, not the turning people into toads type.

  16. "in a young girls heart? blah blah....."


  17. Yep. In fact, i'm a practitioner of magick. If you're interested in a book that will teach you basic, easy to learn magick that will connect you to the Elements I recommend for the beginner, Scott Cunningham's book "Earth Power."

  18. i believe that--sometimes--things happen that we can't explain.  like miracles.  and we believe them to be magic, but they aren't.  i think that magic exists if you want it to.

  19. No I don't, magic is demonic,however,theer are real magic,but its witchcraft.

  20. Yes i believe in magic, I believe that magic is all around you, in the things that you see and experience every day. There is also another source of magik that i also believe in, when asking the universe to help you, by use of spells and so forth.

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