
Do you believe Crime is down ?

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Official figures state that "recorded" crime is down. Is it ? or is it just that people cannot be bothered to report a crime because the Police do not deal with it ? Is it a case that many crimes are no longer recorded as crimes by the Police? Or is it the old percentage trick whereby figures are not made available ?




  1. Oh no you cant keep good crime down!

    its just that no one bothers to report anymore, its such a time waster, and whats more the cons have moved into the circle of bankers, politicians, financiers, insurance companies.....whats worse out taxes are paying for these b******s to be bailed out.....Crime hasn't fallen, ts just notched up another level of society.

  2. I must say that I am very reluctant to believe that crime is down in my neck of the woods.

  3. No,

    it's an election year ploy.

  4. Not where gun bans are in place

  5. Crime is up.  The criminals are white collar republicans scamming us on real estate lending and retirement investments.  Our system is set up so a rich white man can steal $1,000,000 and get slapped on the wrist or put into a resort prison for a couple months of vacation, but a poor non-white teenager who steals $100 will get hard prison time and the rest of his life ruined.

  6. Of course not. If anything, crime goes up.

  7. Not in America!

  8. no people just dont report it

  9. Not when the cops are cooking the books!

  10. No!I do not!They are manipulating the figures somewhere!

  11. The figures are freely available and not disputed by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) - the figures are also not compiled by the government or by the Labour Party.

    Overall crime has fallen 48% since 1995, with most types of crime seeing huge reductions. This is partly because society is changing. If you bought a VCR 30 years ago it cost a h**l of a lot of money, and a burglar thought it was worth stealing. Now electrical goods like VCR and DVD players are so cheap, stealing them isn't so attractive.

    The figures are collected by asking the police for details of crimes reported to them, and goes along with surveys asking people directly if they have been a victim, and did they report it.

    I trust the figures, and no party or the police seriously doubt them. The problem is public perception and the press. Because from time to time we hear tales of stabbings and violent crimes, people think it is more commonplace than it really is.

    But Gordon Brown isn't going around London stabbing teenagers is he? No, other teenagers are doing that. Maybe we should stop expecting Mr Brown to be responsible for everything and take responsibility for our own action.

    The link below to the beeb gives the story. BBC news tonight gave figures over the last 20+ years, and the peak was in 1995. Home Sec even admits a rise in some types of crime such as those involving guns (something she would not do if her plan is to massage the figures) You either believe them or you don't. You clearly trust no one and are a cynic, and fair play to you. Just remember not everyone agrees with loaded Qs intended to provoke only one specific answer, ie the one you want to hear.

  12. The statistics may say so, but the way they are generated have probably been tinkered with.

    No one believes politicians nowadays because of their dire lying ways.

  13. In my area it has improved massively.

  14. No! there's a by-election comming up.

  15. The figures are hugely massaged.

    The government are to blame. What have they done to improve this country since they took over power? Sweet FA

    Lets get rid of the Human Rights Act, lets get tough on criminals and lets send any immigrants committing crime back to their country of origin. That would mean getting rid of the vast majority of these inner city gang members who happily stab and shoot each other for the sake of illegal drugs supply.

  16. Yes where I live, I carry a big gun!

  17. It would be the best thing when people follow it and believe it. One way or the other is the reporter who is going to pay for it. Did you heard about jail is crowded.

  18. Nope..gas prices are more deadly to families than drug dealers!

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