
Do you believe in Astrology?

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Are the sun sign characteristics really for real? Is every Scorpio really a liar and a cheat? Are Gemini's really neurotic? Are all Sag's travel fanatics?




  1. Astrology used to be just something fun for me, but this past year I have been getting more interested in it and the more I learn, the more the subject fascinates me and leads me to believe there is much truth in it. I'm a Pisces and exactly like my star sign, and whenever I read about the zodiac signs of other people I know, the astrology of their character is always spot on.

    I don't take it TOO seriously to the extent where I believe that our zodiac signs have complete and utter influence over how we behave and such, but it really does play a big role in it. However, we are still individuals who make our own choices based on who we are, and not necessarily by our star signs. We control our own fates, but our signs still contribute to that.

  2. Only the character traits.

  3. Like others above me have said, a true astrology reading is a lot more complex than just your sun sign. The stuff they print in the papers is rubbish.

    There are at least ten planets, twelve signs and twelve houses. All the planets move at different speeds. Almost every birth chart for the last 5000 years would be different than every other one, unless you are part of a pair of twins, or were born the exact same time and place as someone else.

    You should investigate things before you dismiss them...

  4. Astrology is far more complicated than sun signs. People should learn and experience things before they cast their opinions on it.

    It is infuriating to me that people create opinions on matters that they don't understand and when knowledge is offered to them, they refuse to understand.

  5. I definitely believe in astrology. I like to find the similaries of a person and convert it to their sign.

    But the Scorpio thing was harsh, man. You need to brush up on your astrology if you're going to think of us scorpios like that =P

  6. I believe it's fun, but that it's make-believe.

  7. I don't see how anyone can actually live their life by it, especially horoscopes. I like reading about astrology; it's interesting to me but it's all just for fun. If everyone acted according to their sun sign, then there would only be 12 types of people and the world would be a much easier place to be in.

  8. It's fun to read about someone and see if there are traits you can pick out from the signs.  I think they do have some merit, especially after I read the Capricorn sign.  Wow, right on!!

    me = Capricorn

  9. yes, the sun sign characteristics are really for real, those are the characteristics of those signs, but no, not every scorpio is really a liar and so forth, this is why it is so important to take the whole natal chart into consideration! Everyone has a sun sign, but they also have a moon sign, a rising sign, a venus sign, a mars sign, etc. It is the combination of all of these, the houses these planets sit in, and the aspects these planets make with one another that make up your whole chart, and that make up each unique person. For example I have the sun in Libra, the moon in gemini, and cancer rising. I show traits of my libra sun, but you probably notice more of my gemini moon (which in my case they are both air signs and similar). But I'm also very sensative due to my cancer rising and can be moody. I also have venus in scorpio and when I fall in love I fall deep and hard.  It is possible for one sign to dominate, some poeple have more of one sign in their chart than another making them more like that sign. But you need to look to the chart to find this out.

  10. If you believe in them go ahead...I think astrology are just for fun!

  11. Yes, I do, but there's a lot more to it than 'all Scorpios are liars and all Geminis are neurotic', it all depends on your moon, rising, Mars, Venus, Jupiter etc. signs. And your own personal life choices, as well.

    I'd never live my entire life by astrology, that's plain stupid, but I don't think it's made-up. I'm too much like my signs for it to be a coincidence.


  12. i do believe in astrology.. its true..

    dont be hating... not everyone is the same... we all are different people.. you're neurotic too so i dont know what you talking about...

  13. Yes. I believe that the astrology for Aries is VERY true. I've read up on it and everything pretty much is true. I've also looked up my Chinese horoscope and it tells me everything on there as well. So, I'm happy to conclude that I'm a Ram and a Snake.

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