
Do you believe in an afterlife?

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i hope there is & i became a paranormal investigator to try & discover some answers, but what do you personally believe?




  1. Yes I believe there is an afterlife but we all don't know if its true until we die.

  2. Yes.

  3. no way

  4. Yes I do, not sure about ghost being real  though.

  5. yes i do believe. Part of me wants to go to heaven, part of me wants to haunt people here on Earth that pi**ed me off wheile i was alive. But to answer the question, yes I do believe.

  6. yes, it is true.   Our spirits are immortal; only the physical body dies.

  7. Yes I do....

    Many strange things happened in my family after members of it died...

    I believe our spirit will not die....I am a christian so I believe in God, Heaven and h**l....

    I'll tell you about a dream I had...about my uncle who died a few months before I left my country....

    He died in 2004...I had the dream in 2005,6 months after I came here.

    In my dream I saw him coming at my mum's he used to before he I passed on a different day or week I knew he was dead(in the dream).

    (Dream) I was talking with my mum about his death and she was saying that she won't moan ''the year''(in my country, at every year of someones death we have like a meal in his/her memory) because she doesn't have the money....I was very upset with my mum in my dream and when I woke up I was still feeling upset.

    A few days later I called my mum and told her about the dream and she was surprised because in real life she wasn't going to do that meal and she dreamt about my uncle too...

    Is that a coincidence or is just a way of being close to your family after you die??

  8. I hold no beliefs in the afterlife, but neither do deny that it exists. Lack of evidence <=> lack of conclusion.

  9. I believe in an after-life even though I have never seen a ghost personally

  10. of course not, that's retarded

  11. I don't know if there is or not.I'm living this life like it's my only one.I expect nothing after it.

  12. I was in a severe car accident in 89 and I flat lined 3 times.  I don't remember a great deal of details but i do no I am looking forward to going back.  

    P.s. That paranormal stuff isn't where to find the answers

    God Bless

  13. Sure do.

  14. I believe strongly in the afterlife, there's no doubt in my mind whatsoever.

  15. It has been estimated that in the last 50,000 years about 106 billion humans were born. Of the 100 billion people born before the six billion living today, every one of them has died and not one has returned to confirm for us beyond a reasonable doubt that there is life after death.

    The true question is Can there be consciousness after the body dies.

    Does the soul contain the total information stored in our brains? Is it a personal localization in the quantum field? Is it our connection to the realm of archetypes and myths? Information does persist, and so do archetypes. Without a doubt the electrical activity in the brain is a localization of quantum probabilities. Even though after death experiences are widely disbelieved, they have been recorded after all electrical activity of the brain has stopped.

  16. I really dont know anymore. I used 2. But then my opa died...and then at his funeral my uncle died (seriously right their at the funeral) and I dont know how a "god" could do this to my family...I just dont know...

  17. There is no afterlife. Society needs to grow up and start finding real answers to the human condition.

  18. I believe the energy we contain continues after the death of our bodies but i don't believe in heaven and h**l.

  19. i do believe there is an afterlife. i have seen too many things to dissuade me from that belief. i have had some experiences that there is no answer to say that there isn't life after death.

  20. Yes,  If you are good in this life u will be happy in ur next life if ur bad then ur next life will be miserable.

  21. I believe in an afterlife, because I believe in the Bible.

    I believe in heaven and h**l.

    Heaven is where  believers in Christ go, totally reconciled to God, healed of everything, and live in peace, unity and joy with God and other believers. This is where Christ wipes away every tear from our eyes. Heaven is where Christ desires that ALL people will be there with him -- but he leaves the choice up to us.  

    h**l is the devastating, terrifying and heartbreaking place where souls do NOT have access to God.  

    Being a paranormal investigator is fine, but all you will be able to prove is that paranormal activity is occurring.  You won't really gain any answers about the afterlife.

  22. Nope.  Mountains of scientific evidence prove that consciousness is a function of the brain.  Since our brains rot (or are destroyed in cremation) after we die, we know we wont experience heaven, h**l, or anything else.

  23. yes ~ i believe the soul is eternal

    for your ,ine of work its important as souls that have experienced their mortal deaths suddenly get frustrated they cant find the dpirtual light and get roudy because of it therby bringing on rports of paranomal events and need to be sent to the light through a medium

  24. No... I'm a optimist

    i dont want to be grim... but if i was to live another life on this god forsaken earth again, then i may feel the need to top myself in my next life.

  25. yes, of course, why wouldn't you, it's mentioned in all the holy books.

  26. yeah i do

  27. yes I do believe in afterlife

    i call them heaven and (i'm not allowed to say the other word- my parents are really strict)

    it is where our souls go when we die

  28. Yes, when you die you are either going to Heaven or h**l!

  29. After running a paranormal group for 13 years, I believe in life after death. Definately.

  30. more interested in proving there isssssss life BEFORE death!


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