
Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?

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Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?




  1. It may be one of the most rare things to happen to a person, but I'll believe in it. However, I don't think it just up and happens for no apparent reason. There would have to be something that triggers the body to inflame itself.

    People have allergies and their skin swells from touching certain plants. Fevers rise and fall. People have different bodies and I wouldn't really be all that surprised if it was a genetic mutation or something.

    People have all types of different reactions to chemicals and such while other people can just go unharmed by them.

    If spontaneous combustion is real, which I think it is, I think it would have to be a genetic fluke or a freakish reaction to something. You never know, the truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction.

    Oh wait... that's Spontaneous Human Combustion... Well if it can happen to humans, why not anything else?

  2. Yes, because it happens... anything, sufficiently heated, in and of itself, that is flammable, can and will burn without an external ignition source..

  3. Chuckufarley2a is right

  4. No.

    The Law of Thermodynamics forbids this type of behavior.

  5. Yes, rags with paint or thinner or gasoline left in an enclosed space can ignite if the temperature gets high enough.People are still under investigation, no actual occurrence has yet been documented of the human body bursting into flame, due to the enormous amount of water in the body it is highly skeptical that it's possible.

  6. Yes, it happens if you eat too much pepper.

  7. Yes. It is a proveable concept.

  8. Yes

    A reaction happens when the activation energy is overcome. Basically, if you do not know what this means, each reaction has a specific amount of energy required to make the reaction happen; if the required energy is not present then the reaction will NOT happen. Example- lighting a match. The match does not light itself because it requires energy to first light. That energy is gained by striking the match on a rough surface; the friction causes heat which serves as energy.

    Consider this: what would happen if the activation energy was so low that the smallest amount of heat could over come the activation energy barrier? That is spontaneous combustion.

  9. You bet I do.

  10. Yes I do ...... Spontaneous combustion is a type of combustion which occurs without an external ignition source ......... it occurs when a substance with a relatively low ignition temperature begins to release heat, which may occur in several ways, such as oxidation or fermentation ....... the heat is unable to escape, and the temperature of the material rises ......... the temperature of the material rises above its ignition point  ........ combustion begins, if sufficient oxygen is present .........  some examples are ....... haystacks and unprocessed cotton may self-ignite because of heat produced by bacterial fermentation, grain dust in a hot metal silo can explode violently, destroying the structure, boiled linseed oil in a partially confined space (such as a pile of oil-soaked rags left out in an uncovered container) can evaporate leading to a buildup of heat and thus ignition, pistachio nuts are highly flammable when stored in large quantities, and are prone to self-heating and spontaneous combustion ....... and no, I do not believe in human spontaneous combustion, I think it is caused by an external source of fire that ignites nearby flammable materials and human fat ......... = )

  11. no

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