
Do you believe in the supernatural?

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Do you believe in the supernatural?




  1. i'm like fox moulder i believe XD (i'm hoping you know the x-files)

  2. Yes.Ephesians 6 is clear that it is real.

  3. What is supernatural?Any thing which defies our knowledge and understanding?To an ignorant person,even playing cards tricks or any magic trick may appear supernatural.Logically,there is no such thing as supernatural but beyond comprehension and understanding,yes.There are many phenomenons in nature and science which can not be explained based on the available knowledge and we accept them as such but don't call them supernatural.So,the people who propagate the idea of super natural are either ignorant or have some hidden vested interest.And,of course,there is never any dearth of gullible people with impressionable minds.Therefore,the  belief carries on and nobody is any more wiser than the rest.

  4. uh no, except for god... and thats pretty natural to me so no ahaha

  5. yes

  6. I have no experience in it.

  7. no, if it exists, it does so in nature.

    "supernatural" is a pure oxymoron

  8. i believe in the presence of a "universal and powerful cause".

  9. yes, there are deffinately things in this world which we cannot explain

  10. yes :) It's all so fascinating, and science dosn't believe it. There's so much proof around us that the supernatural realm exists.

  11. No. No god, no ghosts, no anything "supernatural".

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