
Do you believe in this saying ?

by  |  earlier

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do you believe in the saying that "

if you are worried that somebody could take your hubby away from you then somebody eventually will . "

another explanation is that you don't need to be in a relationship especially marriage where you dont have peace of mind .

i personnally dont think somebody else could snatch my hubby from me cause nobody can do it to him like i can but i would like some other married women opinions . when i mean do it to thim i mean everything . love , honor, care , cook and everything .

s do you believe in the saying or no




  1. NO NO to-   (you are worried that somebody could take your hubby away from you then somebody eventually will . " )

    NO NO   to-you don't need to be in a relationship especially marriage where you dont have peace of mind .

    Be careful to the third paragraph...have confidence but be careful

  2. I like it!  I do think its true because if you are thinking in that mindset then yes, you are saying that you aren't good enough for him and that you hope he doesn't leave but he probably will.  

  3. no..

    but the fact that there are tramps out there who are willing to try and get a married man sickens me.  

  4. The reason I don't believe it is because worrying about something does not have the magical power to cause it to happen.  

    That said, you are deluding yourself if you think love, honor, care, and cooking can prevent cheating.  Far more important than anything YOU do is the content of your husband's character, which is something you cannot control.  If he lacks self-discipline and emotional maturity, and an attractive woman comes on to him, he will cheat.

  5. sounds like a wise saying, it goes to prove how well you know the person closest to you in life

    no i dont belive anyone could take my bf away, cause i know him enough i know i can fully trust him

  6. i don't but....

    maybe if you "let" it happen.. anything is possible

  7. I have been married for almost 2 years. My husband constanlty gets hit on especially at work. I worry that one of these s****s may intrigue him. So I talked to my husband and he reassured me that he is mine 100%. I still have doubts but that is from my own insecurities. I believe that everyone has at least 1% doubt about their partner but I do not believe that if you think someone will cause your husband to stray he will.  I still do not have complete piece of mind. I am not sure why I don't (maybe I am just being cautious because no one this amazing has ever come into my life before and I am just waiting for something to go wrong) but anytime I feel uneasy I talk to my husband and he makes sure I know how much I mean to him.

  8. I think it means the more jealous and controlling you become towards your husband, because you think another woman will take him, the more likely he will leave you for another women. Nobody sane wants to be controlled. Not trusting when nothing wrong is being done is very frustrating also and can cause a lot of marital strife.

  9. I think that if you are unsure of things, or dont have that "peace of mind" it is just a matter of communication, or of irational fears.

    What I do believe along those lines however, is that if you are always suspicious, untrusting, and insecure about where you stand with your partner... then yes, it is only a matter of time before they get fed up.

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