
Do you believe this is possible?

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Do you believe it is possible for a deceased pet to come back in the spirit form and visit you?

The reason that I am asking is because in october, my dog passed away and my uncle had to put his cat to sleep within a week of each other. My grandma, who was very sick at the time, was in the hospital and didn't know that either pet had passed away. One night my aunt stayed at the hospital with her. My aunt noticed my grandma trying to sleep walk. My aunt asked my grandma where she was going and my grandma said that she heard a dog and cat scratching at the door and she was going to let them in. I believe that it was my dog (whom my grandma was extremely close to) and my uncle's cat, at least their spirits.

I have always believed in the paranormal, but I want to see what others think about this.




  1. as far as i know,when animal is dead,they dun dwell in earth.I believe in paranormal like u but i dun think that ur dog spirit will wander in this world.Sry about ur dog anyway

  2. Yes they do especially when they first pass. My dog came back the first day, twice, the second time was during the night when she jumped up on the bed and laid down near my feet like she always have done.

    My grandmother's dog died, and my grandmother didn't know it until she saw the dog walk through the door as she was ready to unlock it. Next day they found the dog's body dead under the stairs. My older brother saw it's head up on a shelf in the closet.

    I know a woman who sees many spirits, she also sees dogs, and cats.

  3. Your granny may have imagined it from old age, or it could have been stray cats and dogs becuase spirits might not make noise? or it could have been their spirits. But why didn't they come to you or your uncle first not them? Did they like her better or was it because she was the closest to death maybe?

  4. Yes, it's very possible. I am also a strong believer in the paranormal. My friends dog was put to sleep in 2006 and to this day, she still hears his claws scratching and him going down the wooden steps. My aunt's dog was also put down not too long ago and I was in the room while she was sleeping and she woke up, opened the door and said "come in CJ." And I told her that he was put to sleep and she said "Oh, yeah, but I saw him walk in."

  5. Yes, this could be true- and after some time you will see that street animals /dog or cat/ will come to you in the street whitout having logik reason- your beloved pets spirits will direct them to you.

    So have ever some dry food in the bag or in pocket for thanking   animals- mediums.

  6. No I do not believe it's possible for a dead animal of any sort (including human) to return to life in any form.  If it were, due to their lack of physical presence I don't believe they would be able to scratch at a door.

  7. Yes, I believe pets can come back.

  8. well did your uncles dog normally scratch at your Granny's door to come in, and if so why could your gran not just have been dreaming.

    you are taking one tiny bit of evidence and making a giant leap with it, had your gran got out of bed for other reasons or was it just the once.

    was she always getting out of bed and going for a wander or was it just this once?.

    i don't think your story really proves anything how do we know if your gran was not always dreaming about the dog at the door when she was at home, i think it was just a coincidence

  9. I believe in the paranormal too. On Psychic reading tv shows ive seen the psychic come in to contact with peoples beloved animals who had passed away, When u think about it really ur cats and dogs dont know much in life besides their owners who they love and always want to please so it makes sense that in after life they would stick around u in spirit untill u cross over and can be together again. You would have proberly heard when a spirit or ghost wants to draw attention to themselfs they will re-enact things out that they did in life such as scatching at doors etc, it being their way of letting you know there around, and  your grandma may have pickedup on this or she could have been really seeing the animals again who knows :/

  10. Yes, most certainly pets can come back if nothing else just to let you know they are okay.

    I lost my beloved mare about 2 years ago, I thought I was going to die myself.  My grief overtook my life for almost a year.  My other horses seemed to know how sad & hurt I was for my loss.  We all grieved together.

    about 11 monhts after her death, I was out in the pasture with my other horses & all of a sudden I felt a nudge on my back.  Of course I turned around thinking it was one of the others, but there was nothing there.  You see the mare that passed on, would back her butt up to you so you could scratch her right above her tail.  She loved that.  When I got home, my friend noticed a bunch of tail hairs & a little fur on my back.  None of the other horses were ever behind me nor did I ever lean up on anything.

    When that happened, I had a warm feeling come over me that everything was alright & she was okay now.

    So yes, I do believe they will come to heal our hearts from their loss.

  11. I heard stories of this but I'm still neutral,maybe they could. But here's the problem I have with that, if dogs and cats have duality like Man, then every animal must have duality such as birds, ants, worms, lions and vice versa. But could some have duality and others not? This seems to be a great mystery. The only cases I hear are with dogs and cats. Infinite intelligence must have had something special for these creatures than others. But I'm still neutral, still trying to research.

  12. If you think your pets visit because you WANT them to visit you after they die...then mine should have been visiting me a lot . ..because I WANT her to...and my other pets too. But, just because they haven't..doesn't mean I don't believe other people's experiences.  I think it could have been them...or not. She could have been reliving the times they DID scratch on the door...or not. Guess there's no way of knowing..but thanks for telling your story. I'm sorry about your dog and cat. I don't know if I'll ever get over losing mine. I grieve a lot...still.

  13. No, I don't believe pets or people can come back in spirit form after they die. Your grandma was very sick and probably sleep walking, so she was probably dreaming of something she heard very commonly in her home life -- the sound of the pets.

  14. We talk a lot about the paranormal and there are many shows on now covering this topic. So many people need proof that life is deeper than we can imagine. Thus we are plagued with questions upon questions about many different issues we can't explain through physical means; and we're not supposed to. But we are supposed to keep questioning, because nothing was every improved by staying in answers, but by constantly asking questions.

    So I'm glad to see, Lindsey, that you're asking this important question. It is one that many people will have a myriad of beliefs about animals and death.

    I for one believe that Consciousness survives that thing we've decided to call death. Not only human consciousness, but also animal as well. And it took your Grandma being in that state of awareness that often comes with "Sleep Walking", to really see the truth of what life is about. To see the essence of your dog, and your uncle's cat. I believe they didn't really "pass away", as if they went somewhere else, but mearly passed "Into" another state of being; one in which exists in connection to this one. And one in which they certainly can, and very often do visit you, your grandma, and your aunt. They aren't there to scare you, only to remind you that they are still around, and that life is eternal: so are you.

  15. Many "paranormal" sightings are a result of people WANTING those things to be there. In other words, your grandma wanted to hear a dog, so she did. Have you ever seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind?" Same exact concept: seeing things that simply are not there.

  16. Yes, that seems plausible to me.

  17. I believe that it is totally possible :)  I believe that animals do infact have a soul and a spirit and when they pass from this Earthly Realm they can experience the same thing our souls and spirits experience. Some pets probably do not even know they are dead (just like some spirits ) and they justs stay earth bound. Other times, just like their human friends they can have a great great  great connection with who ever and decide to stay instead on desending to the next Realm :)

            Thats what I believe :)

                  Love Light and Peace :)

  18. i think its possible!

  19. It was either an ordinary dream or your Grandma was unwell and a bit confused about where she was and what was happening.

    If your Grandma had said whe was getting up to look at the elephants you wouldn't assume she had been visited by a spirit elephant, would you?

  20. yes I do think that is possiable my sister had a cat that passed away and you know its still there because of the weird things that happen at her house

    rent this movie if you have not already seen it

    it has to do alot with what you just said:

    to dance with the white dog

    its a great movie

  21. Animals can come back and visit just as human souls do. I think it's very possible the animals were trying to get in to see the one they love.

  22. Yes, I think it is possible, especially since the animals had so recently passed.   Since most of the experiences people have regarding contacts with dead relatives occur shortly after the death,   the same thing would probably happen with animals.

  23. Well I don't believe it personally, because I don't believe in anything.  But it isn't IMpossible, therefore it is possible.

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