
Do you belive in Santa?

by  |  earlier

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  1. wow no

  2. Ho Ho Ho!!  

  3. I wish he was alive...then i would ask him to pay my rent lol

  4. no he isn't real.  

  5. I know you asked this as a joke.  But, I'm going to answer as I have answered my daughters' question.

    Do I believe that there is a "Santa" one that sneaks down our chimney and leaves presents or chunks of coal.  No

    But, there was a true Santa and I believe that the spirit of "Santa" can be found in every day people, every day.  

    When we reach out to help our neighbors or strangers.  Even giving a smile to someone who needs one is the "Spirit of Santa"

  6. nope

  7. no ,i have not believed in years.and i do not believe in the easter bunny or the tooth fairy either.

  8. No, I stopped believing when I was like 11.


    Why, Do you?

  9. Um no, I'm not 5 anymore

  10. ha i wish i did! life was so much easier then!

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