
Do you buy organic clothes?

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Got any good websites you buy from? is my favorite.




  1. It is alot better for the planet and i am going to start

  2. what are organic clothes? cotton is organic isn't it?

  3. You can get organic clothes from lots of places. Wal*mart sells organic clothes, and Sams Club, which is another company owned by the same family, also has organic clothes. Green Label is a company I like to buy from. The Rainforest site also has organic clothes, some with logos, others with sayings and/or pictures. I also believe that Patagonia sells organic clothes, but I'm not sure.

    Here is the website for Green Label:

    Here is a link for Wal*mart:

    Here is a link for the Rainforest Site:

    Here are a few other sites:

    Hope this helps!! :D

  4. NO!

  5. I buy my clothes from China only.  If I stop buying from China then there will be millions of 6 year olds who lose their jobs.  How are they supposed to support their families?

  6. no, but i have been considering...they look cool band they are for a great cause!!1

  7. nope!

  8. no, i buy normal clothes

  9. I wish I could but no

  10. Try this place, they have food, clothes and shoes.

  11. I try, but they can be hard to find.

    Let the people make fun. We know what's right.

  12. if you're worried about conserving the earth's habitat the best solution would be to buy all of your clothes second-hand. that way nothing unnecessary is being used and nothing additonal is harming the earth.

  13. no i dont :(

  14. Go to a forest. Take some leaves and sew them together. Do this every 2 days as the leaves tend to dry out rather quickly. I once made shoes out of weeping willows 'vines'. Leave some money on the forest floor as if you were buying actual clothes. I can come by to pick it up later. :)

  15. The trouble with organic farming is that, frequently, it takes up three times as much land to create as much product.  Due to the e. coli-prevention regulations currently in place, it is not acceptable to use cattle manure for fertilizer, as ought to be done.  Also, not all pesticides are toxic to humans or other wildlife, so much as just the bugs.  It really depends on what you're using.  There are natural pesticides (cedar shavings) that are alternatives to manufactured chemicals, however, to generate them one must chop down a bunch of cedar trees-- and cedars take forever to grow.

    Some clothes are indeed treated with a pest repellant.  They're called moth balls.  Ask your grandmother for details on those (also, it explains why old people smell funny).  The pest repellants used to keep moths and silverfish out of your clothing are not harmful to you or your pets-- otherwise, the FDA would crack down on that faster than a theatre usher on a ringing cellphone.

    However, hemp is amazing.  Check out hemp.  It's not just for smoking.  Hemp places less than half of the demand on the land that cotton does, grows twice as fast, is naturally resistant to pests, is many times as durable as cotton fabric with identical threadcount, and-- drumroll please:

    Is illegal to grow in the United States.

    Because we're afraid the hippies are going to smoke it.  

    Please write to your government officials and representatives, and encourage them to repeal laws making it illegal to farm hemp in the United States.  

    You can still get hemp cloth, clothes, shoes, curtains, towels, and so forth online, imported from countries who aren't quite as stupid as the US.  It's a little expensive, but the durability is worth it.

  16. cotton is the crop with the most amount of pesticides in has nine pesticides with five of them being carcinogenic....i know this because tampons are made of cotton and wood pulp(the second worst for pesticides)...obviously, i do not use tampons....but with that being said, i will say, that i am not one hundred percent concerned with my own well being as much as i am concerned with the well being of the planet...with that said, i do not buy new clothes at all, organic or not....because organic clothes still require sufficient amount of pollution in the production, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, etc......i buy everything used, but even more than that, i prefer to trade at clothes swaps and not have to pay the devil dollar most of the time for the things i need....

    on that note, don't be offended, i think buying organic is only going half way

    edit:clinza 1, hemp is not smoke-able.....we won't grow it because of economics and the could conceivably(because of modern technology) only grow male plants(with no smoke-able buds) it is the stalk that has the fibers turned into thread


  17. no i dont see the point?

  18. no normal clothes all that other stuff is retarted dealing with clothes

  19. I've got some nice burlap bags you might like to wear.  They contained organic coffee and would make dandy clothing for you.

    To answer your question, no, I don't wear organic clothing.  Not in the sense of the word organic you are using, anyway.  

    Never had any problems yet.

  20. you hippie

  21. Whaaa? Never heard of it. I don't plan to start buying either, they are overpriced and the design isn't my style. But if it's your thing then go for it:

  22. I'll stick with my normal clothing from walmart.  organic clothing is just another way of saying "we have you suckers covered"

  23. its hard to find organic clothes still but its increasing hugely in europe now and my pants is actually organic :)

    unfortunately they are still using posions in part of the process in many organic clothes so its good to call to ur company and ask specifically about how they do.

    if they cant answer then dont buy anything from that shop.

  24. i want to!! esp. that new line at JC Penny!! I love green stuff, however my parents think it's stupid :[

  25. No, I buy normal clothes.

  26. The rainforest site is one site I have purchased from.   They donate a certain amount of the purchases from their site to rainforest preservation.  They have some very nice long and short sleeved dresses that are really versatile, along with some great jewelry!!  Not all of my clothes are organic, but I am definately trying to buy more of it.

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