
Do you concern about global warming?

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0 LIKES UnLike people...why do you think only about yourself...what about the future generations...maybe your kids...what about them, don't you want for them to enjoy all the good things nature can offer?




  1. Yes, I see the effects daily, I work outdoors, global warming is real, brambles grow all year, Hawthorn produce leaves all year and plants flower out of season!

      However, whether man is the cause or not, should not be the argument, it is happening and therefore the argument is, What the h**l are our governments doing to protect us, when a disaster happens they react, but prevention never happens, we all know the predictions, it is time to protect, not argue!

  2. What Edgar said.

  3. Yes I am really concern because her in our country it's getting hotter and hotter every year. And Global Warming is TRUE.

    That's all!!!

  4. No what is the point, the planet will look after itself. There has been several "global warmings" throughout history followed by a cooling period

  5. Yes I sure am. i wont be around I don't Think as I have a terminal illness but my 1st great grandchild is due Aug 30th and to what type of world does this little person have awaiting them.

    I just wish I had understood it all many years ago,all we can do is teach the young how to cope

  6. yes because i hate hot, because i dont want my kids to suffer for our mistakes

  7. Yes, I do and the temperature deference from the last time global warming happened was 9 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, just because global warming happened naturally it doesn't mean we have to increase the speed of it before scientist figure out how to stop it. Last, global warming is about climate change, not the every thing getting hotter. Scientist call it that because the ozone layer traps in heat and causes the global conveyor belt to stop working, which then stops cold water going to hot places that needs it to keep it cool enough for survival and warm water that keep cold places warm enough for survival.

    P.S For those of you who think global warming isn't mostly our fault and think that it is mostly natures fault then your wrong. When global warming was caused naturally thousands of years ago it was mostly caused by a large amount of volcanoes erupting then giving off green house gases. Nowadays there aren't that many volcanoes erupting, so that would mean humans are mostly to blame for global warming.

    Edit: Why do you people think stopping global warming is impossible? We thought going to the moon was impossible, we thought telephones were impossible, we thought going to space was impossible, we thought air planes were impossible and etc. Lastly, even though you think global warming is fake BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY. If you try to stop global warming even though if it was fake there wouldn't be a negative or positive effect, but if you don't there might be a possibility that there might be a bad effect.

  8. No, not at all. I regard it wholly as a means of governments and other organisations raising money by taxing everything possible on the grounds that by doing so it will help stop global warming. By the way - it seems that the big hole in the ozone layer has all but disappeared - I wonder why - surely it wasn't because I took my own shopping bag to Sainsbury's the other day instead of using one of their plastic carrier bags........

  9. Well there are many contradicting arguments about global warming, personally I don't believe this whole idea that it's a fact. I don't concern about global warming but I do concern about things associated with preventing it, if that makes any sense. For example, I like the idea of getting cars off the road - not because it's going to stop the world from heating up but because it will make roads much more pleasant, car drivers are just insane...

    I don't know if it's easy to understand what I'm getting at, but I'm really more concerned with other worries, like these kids in poor countries without clean water or food. Actually, this may interest you, to help combat global warming they have biofuels. But the crops they use to make these fuels come from these sorts of countries. So they are actually taking food away from the starving! This world is insane...

  10. yes, even tho ill b dead when it happens we are already experiencing the effects of it and you dont really want you kids and grandkids to suffer do you?

  11. It's going to happen no matter what, what can I do?

  12. Step 1:

    Drive less. Take bikes, walk or carpool whenever possible.

    Step 2:

    Consider investing in a hybrid or electric vehicle to help prevent against further global warming.

    Step 3:

    Replace all the lightbulbs in and around your home with energy-efficient fluorescents that use fewer watts for the same amount of light.

    Step 4:

    Clean or replace your filters monthly.

    Step 5:

    Choose energy-efficient appliances when it's time to buy new ones.

    Step 6:

    Decrease your air travel.

    Step 7:

    Wash clothes in cold water and line-dry whenever possible.

    Step 8:

    Use a low-flow showerhead, which will lessen the hot water used but not drop your water pressure in the shower.

    Step 9:

    Cut down on your garbage—buy fewer packaged materials to prevent further global warming.

    Step 10:

    Unplug electronics when they are not in use, because they still take up energy. At the very least, turn items off when they’re not being used.

    Step 11:

    Run the dishwasher and clothes washer only when you have a full load, and if available, use the energy-saving setting.

    Step 12:

    Insulate your home better, and don’t forget to repair or replace worn caulking or weather-stripping. Insulate your water heater.

    Step 13:

    Buy recycled paper products and recycle as much of your waste as possible.

    Step 14:

    Bring your own reusable canvas grocery bags when grocery shopping.

    Step 15:

    Plant a tree.

    Step 16:

    Have an energy audit done on your home so you can find the trouble areas and fix them.

    Step 17:

    Use nontoxic cleaning products.

    Step 18:

    Shop locally for food. A farmer’s market is an excellent place to visit. And choose fresh food over frozen foods. Fresh takes less energy to produce.

    Step 19:

    Keep your car tuned up, and check tire pressure often to save gas.

    Step 20:

    Eat less meat and more organic foods in your diet to do your part in preventing global warming.

    this is how we will help to hinder the climate change..

    however i know everybody talks about it but noone wants to try!

    its been like that since long..however hats off to those who really are conscious about it!

    lets be eco- friendly friends!!

  13. nope. what worries me is the overreaction of the zealots who believe in this global warming hoax.

  14. Nah. I think the whole thing is overrated. The globe is gonna do what its gonna do. I wouldnt freakout about it.

  15. no I do not one load of bull

  16. not a jot.

  17. yes.i believe its effects but i know the earth will never cease to exist

  18. not for me, i will be long dead before it affects me.

  19. Yes i'm.

    Now a days,in recent times(say form last century) the human activities are catalysing Global warming to a significant extent

    causing speeding up this Natural process of global warming.

    mainly contributed by fossils Fuel emission,Deforestation,CFC based industries such as refrigeration,Pressurrised pakaging,Nuclear tests(above earths surface)

    CFC are also the main cause of depletion of the ozone layer.

  20. I do ! What worries me ; is the human !

    He produces things he does not need at all .

  21. Not in the slightest. It's purely cyclical !

  22. ummm...Yes and no. I know it's going to effect me when I get older, but seriously, what can I do? I recycle and turn the washing machine down to 30 degrees and all that other stuff but if other countries don't encourage their citizens to do something GREEN, then there won't be much hope for the world will there?

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