
Do you consider mcdonalds a resteraunt?

by Guest60387  |  earlier

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  1. of course

  2. no, it is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!  

  3. most resturants make thier food from scratch,

    McDonald's do not peel the potatoes for thier fries, they do not make thier own beef patties, they do not have waiters to take your order and seat you at your table......

    So no, macca's is not a resturant, it's a fast food take away like KFC and red rooster.

  4. No a resturaunt is somwhere where they prepare your meal with fresh food. McDonalds is reheated stuff with added preservatives & additives.  

  5. Well, they serve food so yes they are a restaurant. However, they are not a good restaurant!  

  6. yes but they are called fast food restaurants

  7. Well, actually Im not really sure what a "resteraunt" is.........

  8. Yeah

  9. Yes. I do consider McDonald's to be a fast food restaurant.

  10. Yeah - what do YOU consider it?

  11. NO, they give the art of cooking a bad name.

  12. technically yes. personally no.

  13. Any thing that serves food is a restraunt


  15. Yes  a fast food restaurant.

  16. According to my dad, yes.  He will not eat out anywhere else as he feels uncomfortable in fancy restaurants.  Me personally I wouldn't class it a restaurant.  It is fast food not a sit down restaurant.  When I eat out I like to dress up a bit and make it a good night.  But that is just my personal opinion.

  17. Yes for fast cheat food basically a poor mans menu of food.

  18. aaahhh do they serve food? then i guess they r considerd a resturant!  have u ever watched the food channel? well i would want to own one mcdonalds. i would be rich! pretty much most americans and now even in other countrys more and more people are eating at mcdonalds!

  19. No. A restaurant.

  20. I do not consider McDonalds food

  21. Its a Fast Food place.

  22. No. It is a fast food place. Restaurants are where meals a served, McDonalds is just fast food.

    I never eat there anyway.

  23. no it's a fast food place and is far from being a resteraunt  

  24. Absolutely NOT.  I never eat at a McDonalds unless I am traveling on the road and get desperate for something to heat.  

  25. no, to me a restaurant is a place where people take their time to cook for others to enjoy their art and flavor. so mcdonald is a place where you get fast food.

  26. Yes.

  27. Meaning a place that serves food to customers, yes, it is.

    It clearly is not a fine dining experience. But still a "restaurant."

  28. no, i consider it as a take away, people don't take your oreder and you don't find people in there that are all dressed up.  

  29. Certainly.  The food is cooked for you and served to you(as far as the counter, but it is still served)   There are tables and chairs which allow you to eat in.   Unlike a Taco stand, which has no tables or chairs of its own.

       As for getting food prepared from scratch like the fine restaurants(surprise, surprise, they have premade frozen packets as well - just a bigger variety and different methods of cooking it besides dipping in hot oil for 5 minutes).  As to having a waiter or hostess, big deal just more hands that want tips for doing nothing.

  30. Sadly, they think they are, the table service sucks, the service is bad. My kids consider it a restaurant, although they only eat there 1 or 2 times per year, when we travel.

    Maccas and my kids would say yes, i say no!

  31. No, according to Steak N Shake they are a workaurant.

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