
Do you cook or order out?

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Do you cook or order out?




  1. Cook 5 nights a week, and go out 2 nights.  Almost NEVER order in, since that's just fast food......

  2. My family hardly ever eats/orders out so when we do it's really a treat for me. :)

    I'm still living at home so my mom and dad and I all take turns cooking. My little sister gets to be the lazy one and just eat what we all make.

  3. mostly cook.  we save eating out for holidays and special occassions...that way it always feels like a special occassion when we go out to eat.

    we generally will cook a whole bunch of chicken on the george forman grill during the weekend.  usually in two diff kinds of spices or sauces. then we have that to eat during the week.  

    usually during the week, we will heat up the chicken,... steam some veggies or have salad or make wraps.

    all the best :)

  4. i like to cook, but instead i eat subway 4-7 days out of the week.

  5. cook on the weekdays, but weekends are for relaxin' so we go out or order in chinese food or pizza.

  6. Cook, but order out for a rare treat, which is usually two times a year, maybe.

  7. Rarely order out, mostly cook at home. Sometimes go for some fast food but not really that often.

    Don't ever order pizza - we go to the Take and Bake pizza place. SO GOOD!!!  

  8. most of time I cook but once every two weeks we order out. Some times we order pizza or chineze

  9. Mostly cook some occasion we order or when i am alone get a fast food.

  10. cook

  11. Cook, cook, cook. 5 dinners during the week and 2 meals a day on the weekends. God, I miss fast food. The last time I had carry-out was back in June and it was from HoneyBaked Ham.  

  12. As far as dinner- cook 6 days a week, go out once a week, maybe order in once a month (pizza or chinese). My sister and I eat at school during most of the year, but summer we just have leftovers for lunch... cereal for breakfast, etc.

    Once in a great while we do go out for lunch- went to a cool BBQ place called Limp Lizard Lounge yesterday w/ my parents b/c my sister is at sleepaway camp til Sat :)

  13. Cook. It's safer that way because that way you know what goes into the food you eat. I used to work in a fast food joint and on many occassions I saw some of the employees spit into the drinks of the customers. They did other things to the food as well, I won't get into any details but ever since then I don't eat fast food.

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