
Do you cry easily?

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Also, do you find yourself crying out of anger or sadness? I personally become very uncomfortable when someone cries in front of me.




  1. No. I'm not that emotional. I never cry in movies and I rarely cry if I'm mad/sad.

  2. anger will bring tears to my eyes.  i hate it.  it makes me feel irrational and that's frustrating when i am trying to drive my point home.

    and yeah, seeing someone else cry, with the exception of children makes me feel awkward.

  3. No. Yes, I personally become uncomfortable when someone cries in front of me too.

  4. Yup, ever since I was 11 years old I've been a crier. But I hardly ever cry during sad movies, oddly enough.

  5. No.  Unless I am PMSing.  If I do cry, it's because I am sad.  But when my son died, I cried a lot about that, and I still do, over six years later. But other sad things don't make me cry as much as they used it.  So sometimes I wonder if I cry comparatively.  I also cry when people are really mean - either to me or to others.

  6. Yes at the end of a really good foreign movie.  There is no shame.

    Edit, I find myself crying out of happiness for a character who has been through a lot only to get a happy outcome, (i.e. the Antoine Fisher Story or A Very Long Engagement), or out of sadness / loss for a character dying at the end of a movie( i.e.  TWO SOCKS near the end of Dances with Wolves,  Robertno Benini at the end of Life is Beautiful).

  7. I cry when I am frustrated, and I cry when I am sad. And I hate it.

    I hate making someone else feel uncomfortable, too. Which is why I hate it. I'm usually the one trying to make someone else feel better, so me crying makes my friends pretty uncomfortable since I really don't do it much.

  8. This varies wildly -- and no, not over the course of the month, but over periods of many months.

    Generally, no. But there are times when my feelings seem more on the surface, and then I am more likely to cry, usually out of sadness.

    Yes, most people are uncomfortable around someone who cries. It's emotionally disturbing to most.

  9. I only cry alot when it's that time of the month

  10. it depends on what the problem is, and the degree. usually i cry in sadness, try not to though - it aint cool !!

  11. Only when a very close relative dies.

  12. No.  And I think most men who cry easily are pansies.  Crying is a waste of time and energy.

  13. No, I've cried twice in the past 20 years.

    Both dog related, The first was over the death of 6 yr old Zeke ,my little red brindle who died of cancer before his time.

    The other was while being interviewed (on T.V. no less) about the extraordinary lengths I had to go to to save the injured leg of my current dog ,Holli, after she was run over by a school bus.

    Aside from the dogs , there's not too much that gets me emotional.

  14. No. I'm the sort of person who would rather appear in public with  toilet paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe than cry in public. It makes me uncomfortable, as well, unless there's a terribly good I'm at a funeral. Even then, I don't do very well with it.

  15. Well, I bloody well cry these days, you can believe in that!

    I think alot of it has to do with hormonal levels. I know pregnancy puts the body through some strange changes and I think being a tad sad is one of them.

  16. Sometimes, but only on certain issues, I'm not one of those sappy girls!

  17. no...i'm as tough as nails

  18. I am male. I cry easily when I am alone I think.  I cried out side the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital, infront of lots of strangers once: after helping nurses drain all the blood that had come out of my dad's throat and then putting back additional blood supply and then resuscitating him back to life, because the doctor had told me there is no use in doing this procedure again and again and we are just prolonging his suffering.  I never cried when I was doing this (many times).  But I couldnt control once I was outside and not with the familiar nurses and my dad.  He died 5 yrs ago.

  19. Sometimes is difficult to open your feelings. But is the best way to start to forget and move on.

  20. I mostly cry out of anger and frustration, always brought upon me by the parentals. This happens maybe once a month. Otherwise, I tend to avoid tears, unless I'm in severe physical pain.

  21. Here lately, I will cry almost any time of the day...
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