
Do you dental cost in poland?

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I am interested in particular in lumineers, i see prices on some sites, it said that it offers lumineers but without precision of price. Do you know how much it cost in poland?




  1. It is more affordable than in most western countries.

  2. I don't  how much cost  but I 'm  sure it's  cheeper tha USA.

  3. its a lot cheaper than here in USA my mom was last year in poland especially to make her a new dentures and she paid about 500 zloty ( which is like 250$) when here in US she was told that she will need to pay about 3 times as much  

    i will have to go to poland also cause i also need venieers/lumineers for 3 teeth  

  4. Well i got my braces here in poland and it's alot cheeper  i paid about 600 zloty not bad !

  5. It's very cheap compared to the US and Australia. But do your research not all dentists are of high standard. My mum got crowns done in Poland by an apparently "top dentist" who everyone recommended to her and he did a very bad job! She had to fix them in Australia.

    I made the very big mistake of going to a public dentist with my grandmother to have a filling...he told me that anesthetics where bad for you and he wasn't going to give me one. I told him he was insane and walked out! Then I went to a private dentist and he did a good job.

    If you do your research and ask a lot of questions you can save a lot of money on dentistry in Poland.

    Good Luck.

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