
Do you ever do this?

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Ever since I've had my daughter, I've taken pictures on an everyday basis.

It could be from her taking her first bath to her eating pureed bananas for the first time. I always find myself looking through the photos while I'm on the computer just reminiscing while I look at them.

Anyone else do this? I could do it all day if I really had the




  1. I do it ALL the time!

  2. yup! I do that lots too!

  3. ha ha h a... i was so like that (for my first) unfortuantly when it came to my 2nd she doesnt seem to have nearly as many photos of her!! I pity the poor next one !!

  4. Totally!  Our daughter is six months old, and we have folder after folder on our computer full of photos and videos of her.  I look at them all the time!  

    I am having an issue now where our memory card is full in our digital camera, and I can't make myself delete any of the pictures (even though we've already put them on the computer!)  I'm so sentimental.  I guess we'll just have to buy a new memory card!

  5. yes!my family hates it  but i am big on pictures i also love photography soo..but i had 179 pictures of my daughter before she was a month old and now at 11 months (one on september 5). . . i could not even tell you! i did find that i deleted a lot because i had like 6 that looked the same or something but yes i take pictures like crazy!she will only be that way once!!

  6. I was like that when they were babies and still do take a lot of pictures.  I know the first 2 weeks of their lives I probably got like 300 or more pictures lol.  Yes I have them on disk and most in the photo albums plus a few select ones as my screensaver.  They are now 3 and 6 years old so it is nice to look back at their baby pictures.

  7. Omg u wanna talk crazy, my daughter is almost 18 weeks. i have pictures on my pregnancy, ultrasounds, birth and a detailed week by week folder with pictures of her. not to mention scrap books and 2 filled up photo albums, i just cant stop taking pictures! LOL

  8. hahahah i thought i was the only one , i have tons of pictures on our computer, i take pictures every other day since she was born

  9. yep, i'm terrible. i take photos of my son all the time too. i just can't help it, he is changing and growing so much everyday. i just want to freeze little moments in his life...

  10. all the time!!!

  11. Yes it so fun

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