
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? ?

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What overwhelms you?

When do you feel completly stressed?

How do you deal?

For me it's always about finances/study & assignments.

& at times the relationships I have with my boyfriends parents.

Share your experiences.




  1. I feel overwhelmed often.

    I get overwhelmed around large groups of people, when the voices start talking and when my husband starts acting like a jerk...I'm sure there are more things that overwhelm me but that is the short list.

    I get stressed easily and it sets off the voices.

    I lay down if I can otherwise I'll try to watch tv or read a boo.

  2. I am a grandmother and my daughter thinks I am able to keep my grandchildren at her beckoning call. I love them so much, but I am a nervous person and I handle stress very poorly. I am on meds to help, but I still suffer many days. I usually end up going to bed and staying there for several days before I feel like moving. I know that is unhealthy, but sometimes the depression paralyzes me. It is a never ending cycle, but somehow I always seem to find the strength to pull through. Alma, I too, had to vent. I am sorry to hear of anyone who is suffering.

  3. Right now I am overwhelmed. I just moved into a new school my JUNIOR year and i have TONS of homework. and besides all that i think i have depression because i've been crying everyday and i don't remember eating.I'm not even hungry though i just want to run away...and get away from it all . My school overwhelms me all the time. I feel completely stressed everyday. I feel horrible.

    Thanks for reading and sorry for being so negative, but i just needed to vent.

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