
Do you ever think...?

by  |  earlier

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depression is over diagnosed? and has antidepressants thrown at them? i mean so many times a persons life just sucks, or depression is hormonal (ie teenagers etc) i find it really annoying that rather than work on the cause doctors just throw pills (that dont work) at people and end up getting them hooked on meds as well as having a sucky life or hormonal imbalance?




  1. considering i or you do not have enough statistics in front of us nor do we have the access to patient files i find it hard to believe you know for a fact that doctors are just throwing pills at people!

    i actually know for a fact!!!! that with the more re-search that have being going on over the last 50 years that doctors have more modern up to date knowledge on depression! meaning they are seeing it more commonly in the population now!

    certainly in a population where if you dont have enough money for this that, and you dont look stereotypical that its very easy to dwell on your miss fortunes people are becoming more more self conscious and judgemental causing them self's to easily slip in to a small bought of depression!

    and I'm pretty sure if someone got addicted to a pill a doc would there best to get them ff it and get them help!

    these doctors ive spoken about are highly trained proffesionals after all!

  2. It depends on the doctor and THEIR state of mind. Last year everyone at school (teachers, councilors, ect..) thought that I was depressed, and one of the school councilors actually told me that depression runs in her family and that I had all the signs...any way I went to my doctors and told her what was going on, and she said that my OCD was acting up (I was diagnosed when I was like 5-6, and have been able to control most of my habits, but things last year just spun out of control!) I know that if I went to my old doctor that he would just have written me off as teenage angst!

    But I agree with you, there are too many doctors that give out addictive dangerous meds.

  3. I completely agree with you. BUt i would also like to add that alot of times docs just assume that its depression, when its really something else. they don't take the time to really evaluate the paient to see the real cause.

  4. I never think. That's why I'm never depressed.

  5. My doctor said that most people on anti-depressants don't need them, so I do agree with you on that, whole-heartedly. I know of people who got prescribed them just because they were feeling a bit tired.

    But they do work if depression is severe - they save lives, they've saved mine, without a doubt.

  6. How does one think?

    Look in the real world.

    After being hit on the head with the Book of the Dead of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in messing up someone else graveyards?

    Being "Reincarnated" like the dead Mummy too creaking and rattling with two hands stretching out with empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets too.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  7. I definitely think that it is. I mean, EVERYONE has their "down" or sad's just a given in everyday life. I really do agree with you - some doctors actually get paid special promotions (and sometimes even vacations to Mexico, etc.) for prescribing so many people on a certain medication!!! Can you believe that?

  8. i think that doctors are too inclined to prescribe drugs for many things and people expect them to. For example i just got conjunctivitis and my flat mates are telling me to go to the doctor. But all he will do is give me antibiotics. I read that with antibiotics conjunctivitis will last 3 days and without it will last 4 days, in other words, whats the point of taking drugs when the benefit is minimal.  
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