
Do you feel the same?

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i'm hurt and sad, i care about this country this is my home and right now it aint worth 2 plug nickels. are we just gonna sit by and watch as one by one everything our fathers and grandfathers fought for fades away.

this is OUR home people and we need to have our voice heard.

everyday i read in here how this person dosent like the Rep and that person doesnt like the Dem and how no one thinks he she it them they are doing a good job.

let us not forget why this country was founded, we make the rules we say what's right and what's wrong if we don't like the way things are going then change it, it's our job it's our civic duty and responsibility or have we forgotton that.

so i ask again

how do you feel, is your home worth fighting for?




  1. What in the world are you ranting on about?!

  2. Yes it is worth fighting for! Vote Barr in Nov.

  3. I totally agree with your statement.  It is unfortunate that our country is in such a state of confusion.  What pains me greatly is the fact that here in the "Land of the Free" "Home of the Brave", we have families in Mississippi that are hungry; children in Georgia who can not read; home-lessness in most major cities; and everyday hard-working people losing their homes to Foreclosure.  But we can spend millions of dollars sending troops to Iraq to fight for what?  Our purpose has changed every year since the war began. Once we were looking for Ben Ladin, then Sadaam Hussein,  then "Weapons of Mass Distruction"; oh, let's not forget Peace.  How can we demand peace and democracy on foreign soil when we have not mastered it on our own.  Congress has turned into a ploy for the rich to get richer and the poor are forgotten.  So if "We the People" are to have a voice it must be filtered through the voice of a rich, out of touch politician who can not connect with the people in any way.  At least our troubles with racisim or discrimination will fade slightly because EVERYONE is suffering no matter what race, creed, color, religion, gender, or sexual preference.  The economy has taken a plug out of everyone's butt!  We need to bring our troops home and start reform here.

    God Bless America,

    We need it!
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