
Do you find Italian people friendly?

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I come from New Zealand which is a friendly country and am wondering what the Italian people are like.




  1. i`ve lived in italy for 5 years and i can say that i just love it..italians are the most friendly people in the world

  2. i dated an italian boy once & he was friendly haha, but i dont think you can judge all italian people from this.. some are nice, some arent.. just like every other ethnicity

  3. Italians look friendly seen from the outside but most of them(of all ages) are actually not that friendly(both with other italians and foreigners) and have lots of prejudices against foreigners...I don't know why everybody thinks they're SO friendly! I don't see that at all! I've lived in the USA too and people are so so so much more friendly!

    in high school, italian kids just don't care about you, never talk to people they don't know and always stay in gropus while in the USA anybody would talk to anybody

    Don't get me wrong,I'm not saying I don't like italians  I just answered honestly to  this question.

  4. there are some Italian that very friendly,however not all italian are friendly

  5. Wonderful people.......really....I love em.....

  6. Very much so.  The men are very good looking too.

  7. Yes!!! Italians are great people!  They are just straight forward, loud and love to eat!!! How can you then hate them!


  8. Yes, they are. I lived there for four years and the Italian people I met were really friendly.

    Hahah awesome, I come from New Zealand as well!

  9. The Italians are friendly and helpful. The only small problem though is that most of them do not speak English. If you're a foreigner visiting Italy for the first time, I suggest you bring a dictionary, it will help a lot.

  10. I'm from the US and I'm friendly, my kids are friendly, my family is friendly, and my friends are friendly people.  I would like to think other countries also have friendly people.  We have un-friendly people like any other country but I try to stay away from those designated areas.  Every country has them.  I was in Italy last fall and it was a truly wonderful, friendly experience.  I can't wait to go back.  However, on a tour in Pisa, we did see pick pocket - grab and run- of a ladies purse - with police in pursuit...but again...I could see that in any city in America also.  I didn't  judge the country on that one incident,but I was more aware...and I would be here also...if I saw that happen.

  11. Yes, totally! Very friendly!

  12. Some people in Italy say that In the South Italy people are more friendly instead in the North Italy people are less friendly, sometimes this is true but isn't always like that

  13. Yes italian people are friendly to everybody that is friendly to them!

  14. Yes we are friendly :)

  15. We are the best people in the world!!

  16. Italians are the greatest people in the world, especially the beautiful girls. you will love italy. i love it. im italian and ive been there 14 times. i am southern italian and thats where i always go.

  17. Italians are really friendly. They treat people so different then here in america. There much more welcoming people. Some towns don't like foreigners and give attitudes. But there all really great people. If you go to the south were i am from, they will seriously treat you like your part of the family!

  18. We found the Italian people very friendly-of course, we were in an area with a lot of tourists, and people were very accomodating.

  19. Italian urban centers during rush hour are totally unfriendly. But for

    example Milan in the evenings, at the pubs, its great fun and  easy to

    meet some of the locals (getting over road rage) relaxing and having a good

    time... it's likely that they'll be courious about you if you are

    interesting enough (and open and daring enough to want to communicate).

    Turin during rush hour on the ring road can get you in a bad mood and it's

    easy enough to see someone flip you off.... but in the local bars in the

    evenings everyone is chummy enough.

    All the same if you are lost during the day in any Italian city and you ask

    someone for directions it is easy enough to have a small crowd gather around

    you and have everyone wanting to help you.... Italians are gregarious &

    courious by nature and this makes generally for a happy people. Not that

    they don't have the same problems that you & I may have (taxes, traffic,

    political ambivalance, unemployment, crime...) - they complain all the time.

    Nothing is ever going well but what the h**l - let's have a good time all

    the same - tomorrow will be another day. Italians in general are friendly

    people and moreover intelligent though sometimes a naive people. I mean

    naive in a good sence. It this naivety is what makes them courious about the

    world around them... it's waht keeps them young at heart and makes them

    great innovators in all fields... even in the art of making and keeping

    friends near and dear to their hearts.

  20. Of course Italians are friendly.

  21. They are people not puppies

  22. You should think whether or not the individual is friendly not an ethnicity.

  23. I've been living in Italy for several years and have found most Italians to be very friendly since the day I arrived. People go out of their way to be helpful and almost always greet you with a smile.

  24. are frindly

  25. Well... it depends...

    I'm Italian and I travelled all around Italy...

    I can tell that it's true that in the south of "the boot" people are much more friendly than in the north regions (of course there are exceptions!!)

    To make an example...

    My family and me were travelling in Puglia and my mom saw some hand-made pasta in front of an open window that was being placed there to dry and said: "oh, like my grandma used to do!"...

    An old lady came out of the house and told us that she was the one to do that pasta and started talking with my parents... well... after about 15 minutes we were eating at her table for lunch... and we never met her before!! (and most of all... try to say NO... it's like telling her you hate her family... or something like that!)

    In Milan I asked indications for the subway... most of the people asked "I'm sorry, I don't know" and Then I saw them taking my same line...

    The best?

    Obviously is TUSCANY... come to "Maremma"... we have everything:

    The seashore, hills, mountains, countryside and the best food you will ever eat! ^-^

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