
Do you find this picture creepy?

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I was just browsing through random pictures and came across this. It gives me a haunting feeling. Once I opened the picture and was observing it, my computer made a weird noise and my light very quickly flickered off and on once.




  1. Yeah its well f*****g spooky.

  2. Yes I do.  I would venture a guess that creating a creepy (and titillating) emotional reaction was the artist's point.

  3. yes it was quite creepy the reason why it was is because of the girl in the mirror but whoever painted it was a brilliant painter

  4. It is creepy,just as the artist meant it to be.

  5. Yes, it is creepy but only because of the setting combined with the freak girl. But there was no noise/light combo to scare me.

  6. The girl in the chair looks a little like Christina Agueliera but a little sinister.  I guess the creepy girl in the mirror is her evil self.

  7. Hmmm a ballerina wearing a garder...... The face is mean looking. Mysterious but not creepy.

  8. not really creepy...kinda reminds me of one of those photos you really would not want your mom to know that you have...maybe a bit too suggestive for my taste.

  9. I like it.  I'd like to see the model, she looks hot!  The mirror thing is a cool trick.  Good artist,  it moves me.  That is what good art should do, leave you with a sense of being drawn in and wonderment.

    If I knew the name of the artist I would look up more of their work.

  10. I think its creepy that someone would paint such a young girl in such a manner. I think its in bad taste. Stay away from my daughter.

    As for the weird noise, and light flickering that is your harddrive kicking in. From time to time the computer needs to grab information from the harddrive and bring it into the cache.

  11. ok never mind. that was stupid.

  12. Yes, It looks strange...

  13. Yeah, it's the girl in the mirror that does it.  If she wasn't there though, I don't think the image would be really frightening.  The girl sitting in the chair does not nearly inspire as much fear

  14. While I was observing it my cat purred and licked my hand, what can it all mean?

    Edit: I am always 'such a d**k' because it amuses me to be so :-)

  15. the flickering and the weird noise was just your hard drive kicking in. but the picture is odd. my cat saw it was just started growling at it. but otherwise, it was inappropriate for the painter do paint a young girl like that. did this person ever hear of child p**n?

  16. Yes, the image in the mirror makes it creepy.

    The portrayal of the girl in chair makes it disturbing.

  17. cool it!!

    (& I suddenly developed hiccups...does that count? ;) )

  18. the picture is kinda creepy..but the noise and light its either ur imagination or a coincidence....

  19. Why is that ***** from "The Ring" in the mirror?

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