
Do you find this unprofessional?

by  |  earlier

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A gallery in north jersey had a call for professional artists to participate in a show to benefit a charity. There was going to be seven women selected from the applicants. Turns out I was one of the seven women selected, but the gallery did not get back to me for a month after the final date for submissions. She said that the charity and the gallery ended their agreement due to the fact that two of the charities juried art judges had resigned and they would not be represented by them. The gallery owner said she still wanted to go ahead with some kind of a salon show and asked that the seven selectees contribute $100 each towards the advertising and press announcements etc. They already charged applicants a fee to enter and I doubt they are even sending it back to those who were not selected.




  1. Sounds like this Gallery is over their head-as the show was not done, I think the monies contributed (for entrance fees)should be shared as prizes for those chosen and at least they'd get something.Don't give addition monies-it is not your job to pay to run their Gallery- I don't think I would trust my work with them-very low class. Things happen but it either is a chance to show your worth-or not. They did not-

  2. way past unprofessional, that is deplorable. i certainly hope you told the person to take a long walk off a short pier. and demand your entry/jury fee back, raise a little cain with them

    i'd become their worst nightmare, i have attorneys that can make that happen.

  3. Tell her to get bent. A reputable gallery will never ask for money from their artists up front. They make their money on the back end when the artwork is sold. Usually between 30 and 50 percent of the selling price. The galleries that represent me always do a great job with advertising and press. Sometimes they'll ask me to talk to the news papers but that doesn't cost me anything. It actually benefits me. If you stick with this place I wouldn't be surprised if they asked you to bring your own booze to the opening reception.

  4. Yes and I would not do business with the likes of these people. Pays to do your homework prior to getting into arrangements with people.

  5. Sounds like a classic scam feeding off the legitimate dreams of great artists such as yourself...

    You know you're good...and I know you're good, but...

    (I believe you have come to that "glass ceiling" that all good artists come to...)

    How to get noticed, without "sleeping with Art Curators with Great Influence..."

    It is, indeed, a "connundrum wrapped around an enigma..."

    Almost "literally..."

    Good luck to you, my friend...If I was the world's foremost artist critic that ever lived...

    I would choose YOU, as our "Mother of God Matriarch..."

    But, alas...people such as you and I, will forever be...

    "The Passionately Unknown Ones!"

    (I now slink away with guilt, at having possibly laid bare all your dreams in one nutshell, but, know this...)

    It is "US" that determine what's good and what is not...not "THEM!,' the art critics, who no nothing of good art...they just know how to "demean people," and know nothing about art...

    Or how to entertain the intelligent masses with their "incredible vision of artistic excellence" for all the world to see...

    Sude Sude Sudio, as a song once said...(bowing down now in humble reverence...)

  6. That's totally unprofessional. Ask for your jurying fee back, and if they refuse, tell them they will be hearing from your lawyer (whether you have one or not :-)

    If they had kept you advised as to what was going on, and offered your fee back, or the option of helping finance a show that would at least have been reasonable and above board.

  7. i think the important thing here is how you feel

    i would offer the organizers some friendly feedback

    if they are organizing it for charity they are probably doing it with their heart in the right place

    BUT that doesn't mean they can make this kind of oversight as it will affect community relations and future fundraising projects

    i'd offer them some friendly feedback

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