
Do you folks realize....??

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that we're picking our next president..... by choosing our VICE president?..... I'm in no way a political person, I try to avoid politics for the most part.... and believe me, I'm in no way predjudiced.... but.... if I was to predict the future, this is what this old granny sees....

if Obama is elected, someone somewhere won't be able to take it, will find a way to have him die 'accidently'.... and Biden becomes your president....

If McCain gets the vote, he won't last out the term because of the stress and his age, and Palin becomes your president.....

NOW who ya gonna vote for?.. HUH?.....look to your future, folks....




  1. The Washington outsider that fight corrupt politicians. The one that hasn't been part of the "BROKEN GOVERNMENT" for 36 years!

    McCain/Palin 08!

  2. I won't be voting for Obama - that is a sure thing! :)

  3. That's easy.


    Palin has shown success in everything she has done.  She already has executive experience.

  4. Mondale/Ferraro 2 is the sequel to the 1984 November thriller

    Directed by Karl Rove

  5. Is this news?

    Keep in mind that Ronald Reagen has the same weak points that Palin has before he became president - at the top of the ticket!

    I certainly could stand more of that!

    Sarah's as close to an ordinary person as we will ever see at this level, she's brains, beauty and barracuda enough for Washington.

    I finally have real hope for this country!

  6. Voting for McCain because of his VP choice would be a step back rather than a step forward for women in the United States.

  7. McCain/Palin

  8. Totally naive...the vice president was ALAWYS a smoke and mirrors trick to make things LOOK balanced---JFK/LBJ was the last REAL balancing act, and Johnson DID help Kennedy get elected then.

    Now, the Veep is a dog&pony show...shoo, we actually had Dan Quayle in the position, and Hamburger Helper addict [and internet inventor] Al Bore.

    Palin will get all the Hillary Dixiecrats and the trendies who thought it would be "cool" to vote for a Nigro, and then realised there would be a BLACK man in de WHITE house!!!

  9. McCain/Palin!

  10.   I agree, McCain IS old, and I support him.  We all know he's old, but look at him.  He's really healthy, and has ALOT of experience.  Obama thinks Palin doesn't have alot of experience, but Obama has been in big-time politics for only four years...I don't mean to be racist or anything, but I think the only reason he's winning is because he has the black vote.  Even Hillary said McCain and her have alot of experience, and Obama is just good at making speeches..And now she supports him?! Think who you want to vote for, McCain is best for this office.  Obama even refused earlier to wear the American pin, and say "In God We Trust" in the pledge.  

    -Vote McCain 2008-

  11. you know, you are absolutely right.  kudos to you.

  12. McCain/Palin.  We say we want an outsider and when McCain chooses one we say she has no experience in Washington.  Brilliant pick by McCain.  Overshadowed the Obama speech and I did not think that would be possible.

  13. I agree!!!!

  14. Only in America something ridiculous could happen!

    Bush was voted in twice. So that tells you how gullible the American public are. It isn't hard to work out why America is in such a mess today. Americans really need to use their brains when voting.

  15. Palin a true conservative and a reformer that follows the same philosophy of McCain.

  16. Well, Biden has barely done 3 things in 36 years,  and I am just amazed by Sarah Palin, so for me this is a fresh, easy choice.

    ...even Obama said, 'Washigton is broken.'

  17. I'd take Palin of the old politics of Biden any day

  18. Our Government Leaders ARE MEANT to be from the people.  Our government was DESIGNED to be BY THE PEOPLE!

    So Gov Palin is from Alaska.  She is a mother of FIVE Children.  She is a mother of a special child with DOWN SYNDROME.  So what?

    The COMPLETE and ABSOLUTE arrogance of the Democrat Party is astonishing!  As if intelligence ONLY comes from the inner city and University intellectual class?!  

    I bet the Alaskan wild-lands have taught this competent inspiring woman MORE than the Harvard University has in regards to the WORKING CLASS!

    I get so tired of the Obama Intellectual Elitism.  The Greek Temple is the symbol of their own arrogance and aggrandizement.  PATHETIC!

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